
made in heaven

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  1. toplam entry 3363
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  3. puan 51998

me and my monkey

made in heaven
kanimca robbie williams’in en basarili uc sarkisindan biridir kesinlikle.

there was me and my monkey
and with his dungarees and roller blades smoking filter tips
reclining in the passenger seat of my super-charged jet black chevrolet
he had the soft-top down (he liked the wind in his face)
he said ’son, you ever been to vegas?’ i said ’no’
he said ’that’s where we’re gonna go - you need a change of pace’
and we hit the strip with all the wedding chapels and the neon signs
he said ’i left my wallet in el segondo’ and proceeded to take two grand of mine
we made tracks to the mandalay bay hotel
asked the bell boy if he’d take me and my monkey as well?
he looked in the passenger seat of my car and with a smile he said
’if your monkey’s got that kind of money sir, then we’ve got a monkey bed!’

me and my monkey
with a dream and a gun
i’m hoping my monkey don’t point that gun at anyone
me and my monkey
like butch and the sundance kid
trying to understand why he did what he did
why he did what he did

we got the elevator, i hit the 33rd floor
we had a room up top with the panoramic views like nothing you’d ever seen before
he went to sleep in the bidet and when he awoke
he ran his little monkey fingers through yellow pages
called up some escort services and ordered some okey doke
forty minutes later there came a knock at the door
in walked this big bad ass baboon into my bedroom with three monkey whores
’hi! my name is sunshine - these are my girls
lace my palm with silver baby and oh yeah, they’ll rock your world’
so i watched pay-per-view and polished my shoes and my gun
was diggin’ old kurt cobain singing ’bout lithium
there came a knock at the door and in walked sunshine
’what’s up? you’d better get your ass in here boy, your monkey’s having too much of a good

me and my monkey
drove in search of the sun
me and my monkey
don’t point that gun at anyone
me and my monkey
like billy the kid
trying to understand why he did what he did
why he did what he did

got tickets to see sheena easton, the monkey was high
said it was a burning ambition to see her before he died
we left before encores, he couldn’t sit still
sheena was a blast baby but my monkey was ill
we went to play black-jack, kept hitting twenty three
couldn’t help but notice this mexican just staring at me
or was it my monkey?i couldn’t be sure
it’s not like you’d never seen a monkey in rollerblades and dungarees before
now don’t test my patience ’cause we’re not about to run
that’s a bad ass monkey boy and he’s packing a gun
’my name is rodriguez’, he says with death in his eye
’i’ve been chasing you for a long time amigos, and now your monkey’s gonna die!’

me and my monkey
drove in search of the sun
now me and my monkey
we don’t wanna kill no mexican
but we’ve got ten itchy fingers
and one thing to declare
when the monkey is high
you do not stare, you do not stare
you do not stare...

looks like we’ve got ourselves a mexican standoff here boy
and i ain’t about to run
put your gun down, boy
huh huh...
how did i get mixed up with this fucking monkey anyhow?

eve hatun attıktan sonra yapılacaklar

made in heaven
yalniz yasayan bir erkekseniz biraz samatadan sonra yillardir duzenlenmemis gibi duran evinizi derleyip toplamaya ikna edersiniz hatunu.eger mutfakta becerikli oldugunu biliyorsaniz bir iki cesit yemek yapip birakmasini da saglamalisiniz,zira disarida yemekten hem mideniz hem cebiniz fazlasiyla asinmaktadir.sonra baktiniz hala veresi var hatunun "ya hatun bu kadar yardirdi ben de ona bi guzellik yapayim bari" diyerekten sevisebilirsiniz.tabi cok abazaysaniz birakin temizlik,yemek gibi dunyevi seyleri direk sevisin hazir eve atacak hatun bulmusken.

kilim motifli kazak

made in heaven
ortaokul birinci siniftayken annem bana da almisti boyle bir kazak.ortaokul yasantim boyunca ben anneme ne zaman "anne ya falan magazada guzel bir kazak gordum onu alsak?" desem annecigim bana; "kilim desenli kazagin var tas gibi onu giysene!" bicim bir kazaksa eskimek bilmedi.kiyafetlerimi kendim alabilecek duruma gelene kadar hep engel olarak cikti karsima kabusum oldu bu kilim motifli kazak.aradan yillar gecti hala saglam,hala dolabimda duruyor.bu kazagin yapiminda emegi gecen herkese bilgi sozluk ailesi huzurunda tesekkur etmeyi borc bilirim.


made in heaven
icra ederken o ortamdan kurtulabilmek icin afedersiniz gotunuzu bile vermeyi goze alabilecek durumlara gelmenize neden olan,bittiginde ise geriye donup baktiginizda "lan saka maka guzel gunlerim gecti orada" demekten kendinizi alamadiginiz,isteyen istedigi kadar anlatsin yasamadan hakkinda en ufak bir fikir sahibi olamayacaginiz olgu.sivil hayatta yapmaktan hic bir keyif almadiginiz seylerden ornegin televizyon izlemekten,hatta hatta kral tv izlemekten ne kadar keyif aldiginizi gorup sasiracaginiz,ince belli cam bardaktan cay icebilmek icin bir cok seyi feda edebilecek duruma geldiginizde sivilde her gun yapipta normal uzeri bir keyif almadiginiz bu basit eylemin aslinda ne buyuk bir nimet ve keyif oldugunu anlayacaginiz,cigeri bes para etmez adamlarin iki dudagi arasindan cikan tum abukluklari emir olarak kabul etmek zorunda kalip olanca gucunuzu o emri yerine getirebilmek icin harcarken annenizin "oglum markete kadar gidiversen" dediginde "gidemem ben simdi bi yere" dediginizi hatirlayip uzuleceginiz,kisaca mutlaka bir seylerin farkina varip,nasil bittigini anlayamadan geri doneceginiz seydir askerlik.

senin olmaya geldim

made in heaven
yuzeysel kisilikler tarafindan "sen kendine icecek bir seyler al,ben uzerime rahat bir seyler giyip geliyorum" seklinde karsiliklandirilabilecek gelis.ayrica damar bir sarki oldugu suphesizdir,ancak insanda sevgilisini terk edip bu sarkiyi dinleyerek icmek,ictikce dertlenmek durtusune yol acmakta oldugundan oturu tehlikelidir.

eski sevgilinizle evlenen arkadaş modeli

made in heaven
erkekler icin ozellikle gunun birinde bir icki ortamina girildiginde son derece tehlikeli sonuclar dogurabilecek durumdur.soyle ki;malumunuz erkek milleti gencliginde basindan gecen cinsel tecrubelerini arkadaslariyla paylasmaktan pek hoslanir.alkolun etkisiyle:

-kardes bi gun yengeyi eve atmisim,allah seni inandirsin oyle bir yiyo... "çaattttt"

seklinde bir hadise vuku bulabilir.

deep purple

made in heaven
aradan gecen yillara ragmen sarkilari hala keyifle dinlenebilen efsane gruplardan bir tanesidir.yanlis hatirlamiyorsam onbir sene evvel falan bunlarin tisortunu almistim,tisort de grup gibi saglam cikti.onca zamandir giyerim ne rengi soldu ne bir tarafi sarkti.satin alirken param cikismamisti da adama yalvara yakara almistim,helal olsun kaliteli mal satiyormus adam.

(bkz: hey gidi genclik)
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