
made in heaven

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  1. toplam entry 3363
  2. takipçi 1
  3. puan 51998


made in heaven
robbie williams sarkisi,kipir kipir.ilk basta belki itici gelebilir ancak bir kac kez dinledikten sonra sarkinin ritmine kapilip oturdugunuz yerde garip hareketler yaparken bulabiliyorsunuz kendinizi.

hoşlanılan kızın zeki olması

made in heaven
ruyamda ilkokul arkadasim pic zeki’nin nasil olmussa guzel mi guzel bir kiza donusmesi ve benimde korun tasi gibi ondan hoslanmam ve kafamda acaba nasi punduna getiririm bunu falan gibi planlar yapmam,bu yaptigim hain planlarin olumlu sonuclanmasi sonrasi tam domaltip ise koyulacakken lan napiyon oglum ben pic zeki tanimadin mi kekekeikeiei diye seyrek dislerini gostererek siritmasi ile ter icinde sicrayarak uyanmam ile neticelenen olay.

(bkz: hoslanilan kizi domaltmayi hayal etmek)
(bkz: zeki)
(bkz: pic)
(bkz: kabus)
(bkz: boyle basliga boyle entry)

mama i m coming home

made in heaven
her dinleyiste huzunlendiren harika bir ozzy osbourne sarkisi.

times have changed and times are strange
here i come, but i aint the same
mama, im coming home
times gone by seem to be
you could have been a better friend to me
mama, im coming home

you took me in and you drove me out
yeah, you had me hypnotized
lost and found and turned aroound
by the fire in your eyes

you made me cry, you told me lies
but i cant stand to say goodbye
mama, im coming home
i could be right, i could be wrong
hurts so bad, its been so long
mama, im coming home

selfish love yeah were both alone
the ride before the fall
but im gonna take this heart of stone
i just got to have it all

ive seen your face a hundred times
everyday weve been apart
i dont care about the sunshine, yeah
cause mama, mama, im coming home
im coming home

you took me in and you drove me out
yeah, you had me hypnotized
lost and found and turned around
by the fire in your eyes
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