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hayatın gidişatı

(bkz: bulutsuzluk ozlemi)
hayatin gidisati
hem acikli hem komik
hayatin gidisati
senin disinda olusursa
ve sen bunu hic bilmiyor
gibi degilsen
hala devam
devam hala
hala devam

hayatin gidisati
tek basina olabilmeyi bilebilmekse
hayatin gidisati
insan ormaninda yalnizliksa
ve sen bunlara karsin
urettigin urunlerle
hala devam
devam hala
hala devam

hayatin gidisati
bozkirin ortasinda bir yerde
hayatin gidisati
mum isiginda bir beyaz sayfa
biraz sarap ve serap
ve sen bunlari isiga donusturebilen
o uzak koyde bir ogretmensen
hala devam
devam hala
hala devam

yaşamaya mecbursun

ne zaman canim sikilsa dinleyerek bir nebze de olsa kendimi iyi hissettigim bulutsuzluk ozlemi parcasi.

bugun canin cok sikkin,
hersey sana zor geliyor
bugun askin bitmis,
o seni terkedip gitmis
sanki sen hic bilmedigin
bir kaos icindesin,

gunlerin getirdigi,
senin yitirdiklerin.
sanki hic umut yok.
cok yorgunsun.

ne olursa olsun,
yasamaya mecbursun.
ne olursa olsun,
yasamaya mecbursun.

bugun duydugun haberler
sana utanc veriyor
bugun din ve irk ugruna
cinayet isleniyor
mostar koprusu cokmus,
neretva ne kadar uzgun

gunlerin getirdigi,
aclik ve gozyasi.
insan hep umut eder,
biliyorsun bunu.

ne olursa olsun,
yasamaya mecbursun.
ne olursa olsun,
yasamaya mecbursun.

rise and fall

sting ile craig david in duet yapmis oldugu parca.

sometimes in life you feel the fight is over,
and it seems as though the writings on the wall,
superstar you finally made it,
but once your picture becomes tainted,
it’s what they call,
the rise and fall

i always said that i was gonna make it,
now it’s plain for everyone to see,
but this game i’m in don’t take no prisoners,
just casualties,
i know that everything is gonna change,
even the friends i knew before may go,
but this dream is the life i’ve been searching for,
started believing that i was the greatest,
my life was never gonna be the same,
cause with the money came a different status,
that’s when things change,
now i’m too concerned with all the things i own,
blinded by all the pretty girls i see,
i’m beginning to lose my integrity

sometimes in life you feel the fight is over,
and it seems as though the writings on the wall,
superstar you finally made it,
but once your picture becomes tainted,
it’s what they call,
the rise and fall

i never used to be a troublemaker,
now i don’t even wanna please the fans,
no autographs,
no interviews,
no pictures,
endless demands,
give into vices that was clearly wrong,
the type that seems to make me feel so right,
but some things you may find can take over your life,
burnt all my bridges now i’ve run out of places,
and there’s nowhere left for me to turn,
been caught in comprimising situations,
i should have learnt,
from all those times i didn’t walk away,
when i knew that it was best to go,
is it too late to show you the shape of my heart,

sometimes in life you feel the fight is over,
and it seems as though the writings on the wall,
superstar you finally made it,
but once your picture becomes tainted,
it’s what they call,
the rise and fall

now i know,
i made mistakes,
think i don’t care,
but you don’t realise what this means to me,
so let me have,
just one more chance,
i’m not the man i used to be,
used to beee

sometimes in life you feel the fight is over,
and it seems as though the writings on the wall,
superstar you finally made it,
but once your picture becomes tainted,
it’s what they call,
the rise and fall.


unlu filozof.
diyojen bir gun cok dar bir sokakta kibirli bir adamla karsilasir. ikisinden biri kenara cekilmedikce gecmek mumkun degildir...
adam, hor gordugu filozofa:
- ben bir serserinin onunden kenara cekilmem; der.
diyojen, kenara cekilerek gayet sakin su karsiligi verir:
- ben cekilirim!

(bkz: golge etme baska ihsan istemem)

i hate everything about you

three days grace e ait olan guzel bir parca.

every time we lie awake
after every hit we take
every feeling that i get
but i haven’t missed you yet

every room i get awake
every sigh and scream we make
all the feelings that i get
but i still don’t miss you yet

only when i start to think about it...

i hate everything about you
why do i love you
i hate everything about you
why do i love you

every time i lie awake
after every hit we take
every feeling that i get
but i haven’t missed you yet

only when i start to think about it...

i hate everything about you
why do i love you
i hate everything about you
why do i love you

only when i start to think about you i know
only when you start to think about me do you know

i hate everything about you
why do i love you
you hate everything about me
why do you love me

i hate
you hate
i hate
you love me
i hate everything about you
why do i love you .
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