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belediye otobüsü insanları

zannimca bu otobuslerin belirli dekor amca ve teyzeleri vardir.yaz-kis asla ve kesinlikle camlari acmaya izin vermeyerek sizi bugulama yaparlar.baska bi cesiti de otobusteki ogrencilerdir.yaslilara yer vermemek icin yillardir suregelen uyuma numarasini hala devam ettirmektedirler.ama kurulmus gibi herkes inecegi duraga yaklasirken belki de ilahi bir gucle uyanip mutlu mesut yollarina koyulurlar.

kimya bölümü

mezun olduktan sonra kimyager unvanina sahip olacaginiz lisans programi.fakat siklikla muhendis mi olucan ogretmen mi olucan gibi sinir katsayinizi arttiran sorularla karsilasilir.okul hayatinizin buyuk bir bolumu insanlara ne olucaginizi anlatmakla gecen en kazigindan fen bilimi.

the end of the world

go if you want to
i never tried to stop you
know there’s a reason
for all of this you’re feeling
love it’s not my call
you couldn’t ever love me more
you couldn’t love me more
you couldn’t love...

me i don’t show much
its far too hard to hide you
see in a moment
a song too far
to let you
be all you wanted
i couldn’t ever love you more
i couldn’t love you more
i couldn’t love...
you want me to cry and play my part
i want you to sigh and fall apart
we want this like everyone else

stay if you want to
i always wait to hear you
say there’s a last kiss
for all the times you run this
wait its not my call
you couldn’t ever love me more
you couldn’t love me more
you couldn’t love...

love me more...
couldn’t ever love me more
i couldn’t love you more
i couldn’t love...

you want me to lie not break your heart
i want you to sigh and fall apart
we want this like everyone else

maybe we didn’t understand
it’s just the end of the world

maybe we didn’t understand
not just a boy and a girl
it’s just the end of the... end of the world

me i don’t say much
it’s far too hard to hide you
see in a moment
i can’t remember how to
be all you wanted
i couldn’t ever love you more
i couldn’t love you more
i couldn’t love you more
i couldn’t love you more
i couldn’t love... you... more...

last kiss

oh where oh where can my baby be
the lord took her away from me
she’s gone to heaven so i got to be good
so i can see my baby when i leave this world
we were out on a date in my daddy’s car
we haven’t driven very far
there in the road, straight ahead
a car was stunned, the engine was dead
i couldn’t stop, so i swerwed to the right
i’ll never forget the sound that night
screaming tires, the busting glass
a painfull scream that i heard last
oh where oh where can my baby be
the lord took her away from me
she’s gone to heaven so i got to be good
so i can see my baby when i leave this world
when i woke up the rain was pouring down
there were people standing all around
something warm going through my eyes but somehow i found my baby that night
i lifted her head, she looked at me and said
"hold me darling, just a little while"
i held her close, i kissed her our last kiss
i found the love that i knew i had missed
but now she’s gone, even though i hold her tight
i lost my love, my life that night..
oh where oh where can my baby be
the lord took her away from me
she’s gone to heaven so i got to be good
so i can see my baby when i leave this world.

sana dair

yasam kadar gercek, yasamak gibi sahte
oyle cok sey varki yaralayan insani
bir yurek carpintisi onu her gordugunde
oyle cok sey var ki bak sana dair..
yanlis asklar yasadik, yanlis koprulerde
yanli$ gemiler yakip aldirmadan
iki damla su caldik zamanin pencesinden
aldirmadan, aldirmadan
mucize gerek bize
gidecek bir baska dus
bir dus ki korkmamis zamanin karsisinda
ve bir cag gerek bize
ve bir cag bundan ozgur
oyle cok sey var ki bak sana dair
sonra kuslar gitti anladim dunya yorgun
sen yorgun, tortusu kalmis eski bir korkunun
gormedin, duymadin, demedin bunlar kotu,
biz varmiydik?? ask varmiydi..
bu ne senden ilk kacisim nede ilk dususun yuregime
ne bu serden son gecisim ne de son kususum kaderime .

kumdan kaleler’in parçası.

yaran fıkralar

padisahin biri sehirdeki firinlari gezip ekmeklerin nasil oldugunu denetliyormus.gittigi hicbir firindaki ekmekleri begenmemis.en son bi firina gitmis ordaki ekmekler cok tazeymis.adama sormus:
- aferim.nasil boyle guzel ekmek yapabildin?
+ sana koydum padisahim!
- tamam. sehirdeki tum firincilara soyle onlar da "sana koysun".
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