  1. toplam entry 747
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evrendeki en mutevazi insanim
asagida ki sozleri che bir muhendis ile bir sofor ayni parayimi alacak diyenlere soylemistir.
"kuru bir ekonomik sosyalizme ilgi duymuyorum. sefalete karsi mucadele ediyoruz ama ayni zamanda yabancilasmaya karsi da mucadele ediyoruz. marksizmin temel hedeflerinden biri, bireysel cikar ve kar etkenini, insanin ruhsal iticileri arasindan uzaklastirmaktir. marx, ekonomik etkenler ve onlarin insan zihinleri etkileri uzerinde ugrasti. eger komunizm bununla ilgilenmezse, mallarin paylasiminin bir yontemi olabilir ama asla hayatin devrimci bir bicimi olamayacaktir."

bu arada belirmek isterim ki dunyada hic bir zaman komunizm var olmamistir. zira devletler komunist olamaz, komunizm devleti ortadan kaldirir. zaman zaman sosyalist denemeler olmustur ancak hickimse sscb tarihi boyunca sosyalistti diyemez. sosyalizm brejnev doneminde son bulmustur. ayrica komunizm fikrinin cikis noktasi paylasmakken, kapitalizm sistemi tekellesme uzerine kuruludur. burdan da anlasilacagi gibi komunizm daha insancildir. ayni derecede de kapitalizmin yarattigi bencil insan dogasina aykiridir.

for you

evrendeki en mutevazi insanim
staindin bunalimli bir ergenin agzindan yazdigi bir sarkidir.break the cycle albumundendir ahanda sozleri

to my mother
to my father
it’s your son or
it’s your daughter
are my screams
loud enough for
you to hear me?
should i turn this up for you?

i sit here locked inside my head
remembering everything you’ve said
the silence get’s us no where
get’s us no where way too fast

the silence
is what kills me
i need someone
here to help me
but you don’t know
how to listen
and let me make
my decisions

i sit here locked inside my head
remembering everything you’ve said
the silence get’s us no where
get’s us no where way too fast

all your insults
and your curses
make me feel like i’m not a person
and i feel like
i am nothing
but you make me
so do something

cause i’m fucked up
because you are
need attention
attention you couldn’t give

i sit here locked inside my head
remembering everything you’ve said
the silence get’s us no where
get’s us no where way too fast

i sit here locked inside my head
remembering everything you’ve said
the silence get’s us no where
get’s us no where way too fast

its been a while

evrendeki en mutevazi insanim
staindin break the cycle albümündeki en baba parçalardan biridir. ahanda sözleri

It’s been a while
Since I could hold my head up high
and it’s been a while
Since I first saw you
It’s been a while
since i could stand on my own two feet again
and it’s been a while
since i could call you
But everything I can’t remember as fucked up as it may seem
the consequences that I’ve rendered
I’ve stretched myself beyond my means

It’s been a while
since i could say that i wasn’t addicted and
It’s been a while
Since I could say I love myself as well and
It’s been a while
Since I’ve gone and fucked things up just like i always do
It’s been a while
But all that shit seems to disappear when i’m with you
But everything I can’t remember as fucked up as it may seem
the consequences that I’ve rendered
I’ve gone and fucked things up again

Why must i feel this way?
just make this go away
just one more peaceful day

Its been awhile
Since I could lok at myself straight
and it’s been awhile
since i said i’m sorry
It’s been awhile
Since I’ve seen the way the candles light your face
It’s been awhile
But I can still remember just the way you taste
But everything I can’t remember as fucked up as it may seem
I know it’s me i cannot blame this on my father
he did the best he could for me

It’s been a while
Since I could hold my head up high
and it’s been a while since i said i’m sorry


evrendeki en mutevazi insanim
staintin en unlu parcasi. break the cycle albümünün ilk klip çekilen parçasydyr. klibi pek o kadar iyi degildir.

and you.....could bring me to my knees...again.
all the times.....when i could beg you vein.
all the times.....when i felt insecure...for you
and i burdens at the door...

but i’m on the outside, i’m lookin in.
i can see through you, see your true colors.
cuz inside your ugly, your ugly like me.
i can see through you, see to the real you.

all the times.....that i felt like this won’t’s for you.
and i taste.....what i could never was from you.
all the times...that i’ve intentions...were full of pride.
but i watse.....more time than anyone...

but i’m on the outside, i’m lookin in.
i can see through you, see your true colors.
cuz inside your ugly, your ugly like me.
i can see through you, see to the real you.

all the times.....that i’ve cried...
all this’s all inside...
and i feel.....all this pain...
stuffed it’s back again...
and i in bed...
all alone.....i can’t mend...but i feel...tomorrow will be ok.

i’m on the outside and i’m lookin in.
i can see through you, see your true colors.
cuz inside your ugly, your ugly like me.
i can see through you, see to the real you.

bursa nutku

evrendeki en mutevazi insanim
turk genci, devrimlerin ve cumhuriyetin sahibi ve bekcisidir. bunlarin geregine, dogruluguna herkesten cok inanmistir. yonetim bicimini ve devrimleri benimsemistir. bunlari gucsuz dusurecek en kucuk ya da en buyuk bir kipirti ve bir davranis duydu mu, “bu ulkenin polisi vardir, jandarmasi vardir, ordusu vardir, adalet orgutu vardir” demeyecektir. elle, tasla, sopa ve silahla; nesi varsa onunla kendi yapitini koruyacaktir.

polis gelecek, asil suclulari birakip, suclu diye onu yakalayacaktir. genc, “polis henuz devrim ve cumhuriyetin polisi degildir” diye dusunecek, ama hic bir zaman yalvarmayacaktir. mahkeme onu yargilayacaktir. yine dusunecek, “demek adalet orgutunu de duzeltmek, yonetim bicimine gore duzenlemek gerek”

onu hapse atacaklar. yasal yollarla karsi cikislarda bulunmakla birlikte bana, basbakana ve meclise telgraflar yagdirip, haksiz ve sucsuz oldugu icin saliverilmesine calisilmasini, kayrilmasini istemeyecek. diyecek ki, “ben inanc ve kanaatimin geregini yaptim. araya girisimde ve eylemimde hakliyim. eger buraya haksiz olarak gelmissem, bu haksizligi ortaya koyan neden ve etkenleri duzeltmek de benim gorevimdir.”

iste benim anladigim turk genci ve turk gencligi!

mustafa kemal ataturk
33 /

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