  1. toplam entry 747
  2. takipçi 1
  3. puan 16317


evrendeki en mutevazi insanim
emekcinin urettigi 10 birimlik malin 1 birimini aldigi. sermaye sahibininse maliyetler ciktiktan sonra 10 birimlik uretimin 7-8 birimini aldigi sistem. adi geregi sonunda butun sermaye tek elde toplanacaktir. ve felsefi acidan baktigimiz da herseyin bir sonu olduguna gore kapitalizmin de bir sonu vardir.

gangsta s paradise

evrendeki en mutevazi insanim
coolionun harika otesi sarkisi.

as i walk through the valley of the shadow of death
i take a look at my life and realize there’s nuthin’ left
’cuz i’ve been singing and forgiving so long, that
even my chior thinks that my mind is gone
but i ain’t never crossed a man that didn’t deserve to be reconciled
me be treated like a rabbi you know that’s unheard of
you better watch how you’re talking, and where you’re walking
or you and your freinds might be burnin in hell
i really hate to sin but i gotta loc.
as i grow i see myself in the clouds of heaven, fool
i’m the kinda good preist, the parish wanna be like
on my knees in the night, saying prayers in the streetlight.

been spending most their lives, living in the holy paradise
been spending most their lives, living in the holy paradise
keep spending most our lives, living in the holy paradise
keep spending most our lives, living in the holy paradise

(he relizes his fate)

the ghetto situation, they got me facin’
i can’t live a good life, i was raised with the horns
so i gotta be down wit the demons and the minions of hell
too much watchin preechers in the park got me chasing dreams
i’m an educated fool with satain on my mind
got my tin in my hand and a gleam in my eye
i’m a loc’d out satanist set trippin’ banger
and my parish aint around so arouse my anger, fool
death ain’t nothing but a heartbeat away,
i’m living sinful life, do or die, what can i say
i’m 41 now, but will i live to see 43
the way things are going i don’t know but i hope not
because it will be the sooner that i will the man in black.

tell me why humans are so blind to see
that the one we hurt, is the ones that is waiting for me
been spending most their lives, living in the satanic paradise
been spending most their lives, living in the satanic paradise
spending most our lives, living in the satanic paradise
spending most our lives, living in the satanic paradise

preaching and the teaching, teaching and the preaching
minute after minute, hour after hour
everybody’s praying, but half of them ain’t relizing what we are doing
what’s going on in the kitchen, but i don’t know what’s cookin’
they say i gotta forgive, but nobody’s here to teach me
if they can’t understand it, how can they reach it
i guess they can’t, i guess they won’t
i guess they front, that’s why i know my life is full of sin, fool

been spending most their lives, living in the satanic paradise
been spending most their lives, living in the satanic paradise
spending most our lives, living in the satanic paradise
spending most our lives, living in the satanic paradise
tell me why are they, so blind to see
that satain is the one for we, are you and me
tell me why are we, so blind to see
that the one for you and me

major league soccer

evrendeki en mutevazi insanim
kisa adi mlsolan abd futbol ligi. dogu ve bati olmak uzere iki konferanstan olusur. ancak butun takimlar birbiriyle mac yapar.
dogu konferansi
(bkz: chicago fire)
(bkz: new england revolution)
(bkz: kansas city wizards)
(bkz: new york metrostars )
(bkz: dc united )
(bkz: columbus crew)

bati konferansi
(bkz: fc dallas burn )
(bkz: san jose earthquakes )
(bkz: los angeles galaxy)
(bkz: colorado rapids)
(bkz: real salt lake )
(bkz: chivas usa )
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