  1. toplam entry 680
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  3. puan 54059

the return of the v legend

yat yat yat ahlak polisi
welcome this is bbc news and i am john watson.
the breaking news is the return of the v legend
and now we are communicating with istanbul to get more details

+hello mr.kuruyemiş they say v legend is back! can you give us what happened there.
-we are trying to enter the information dictionary building but its to crowded here they all say this is the biggest transfer of the year. all i can say is this for now as we get more details we will be glad to inform you.
+thank you mr.kuruyemiş.

(bkz: ne yaptım ben)

2. nesil bilgicimiz hosgelmistir. basarili bir yazarlık dilerim kendilerine.
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