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mahalle bakkali

mahalle sakinlerinin ne zaman nereye gittiklerini,evlerine ne zaman donduklerini,balkonlarinda ne yaptiklarini,ne zaman cama ciktiklarini dahi takip eden kisilerdir.ornegin;

-mahmut abi 3 ekmek 1 sut ne kadardi?
-hayrola misafir mi var?

here without you

3 doors down in yapip yapabilecegi en guzel,en hisli,en icli sarki.iste sozleri;

a hundred days had made me older since the last time that i saw your pretty face
a thousand lights had made me colder and i don’t think i can look at this the same
but all the miles had separate
they disappeared now when i’m dreaming of your face

i’m here without you baby but your still on my lonely mind
i think about you baby and i dream about you all the time
i’m here without you baby but your still with me in my dreams
and tonight it’s only you and me

the miles just keep rolling as the people either way to say hello
i hear this life is overrated but i hope it gets better as we go

i’m here without you baby but your still on my lonely mind
i think about you baby and i dream about you all the time
i’m here without you baby but your still with me in my dreams
and tonight girl it’s only you and me

everything i know, and anywhere i go
it gets hard but it won’t take away my love
and when the last one falls, when it’s all said and done
it get hard but it won’t take away my love

i’m here without you baby but your still on my lonely mind
i think about you baby and i dream about you all the time
i’m here without you baby but your still with me in my dreams
and tonight girl it’s only you and me

i’m here without you baby but your still on my lonely mind
i think about you baby and i dream about you all the time
i’m here without you baby but your still with me in my dreams
but tonight girl it’s only you and me

free money

patti smith in bi sarkisi.ahanda sozleri;

every night before i go to sleep
find a ticket, win a lottery,
scoop the pearls up from the sea
cash them in and buy you all the things you need.

every night before i rest my head
see those dollar bills go swirling ’round my bed.
i know they’re stolen, but i don’t feel bad.
i take that money, buy you things you never had.

oh, baby, it would mean so much to me,
oh, baby, to buy you all the things you need for free.
i’ll buy you a jet plane, baby,
get you on a higher plane to a jet stream
and take you through the stratosphere
and check out the planets there and then take you down
deep where it’s hot, hot in arabia, babia, then cool, cold fields of snow
and we’ll roll, dream, roll, dream, roll, roll, dream, dream.
when we dream it, when we dream it, when we dream it,
we’ll dream it, dream it for free, free money,
free money, free money, free money, free money, free money, free money.

every night before i go to sleep
find a ticket, win a lottery.
every night before i rest my head
see those dollar bills go swirling ’round my bed.

oh, baby, it would mean so much to me,
baby, i know our troubles will be gone.
oh, i know our troubles will be gone, goin’ gone
if we dream, dream, dream for free.
and when we dream it, when we dream it, when we dream it,
let’s dream it, we’ll dream it for free, free money,
free money, free money, free money,
free money, free money, free money, free.


natalie imbruglia nin bir sarkisinin adi.hatta sozleri de sudur;

i thought i saw a man brought to life
he was warm, he came around like he was dignified
he showed me what it was to cry
well you couldn’t be that man i adored
you don’t seem to know, don’t seem to care what your heart is for
but i don’t know him anymore
there’s nothing where he used to lie
my conversation has run dry
that’s what’s going on, nothing’s fine i’m torn

i’m all out of faith, this is how i feel
i’m cold and i am shamed lying naked on the floor
illusion never changed into something real
i’m wide awake and i can see the perfect sky is torn
you’re a little late, i’m already torn

so i guess the fortune teller’s right
should have seen just what was there and not some holy light
to crawl beneath my veins and now
i don’t care, i have no luck, i don’t miss it all that much
there’s just so many things that i can’t touch, i’m torn

i’m all out of faith, this is how i feel
i’m cold and i am shamed lying naked on the floor
illusion never changed into something real
i’m wide awake and i can see the perfect sky is torn
you’re a little late, i’m already torn. torn.

there’s nothing where he used to lie
my inspiration has run dry
that’s what’s going on, nothings right, i’m torn

i’m all out of faith, this is how i feel
i’m cold and i am shamed lying naked on the floor
illusion never changed into something real
i’m wide awake and i can see the perfect sky is torn
i’m all out of faith, this is how i feel
i’m cold and i’m ashamed bound and broken on the floor
you’re a little late, i’m already torn

kapıda yapılan sohbetler

her zaman basa gelen bi hadisedir bu.evde saatlerce oturursunuz,tv izlersiniz,kek borek corek yersiniz,cay-kahve icersiniz ama kapiya gelince muhabbet muhabbeti acar.en guzeli bu hadisenin yasanmamasi icin biraz daha az yiyip icmeye calisip sohbet etme aliskanligi edinmektir.

keep it a secret

you know i’m not a single man
but anyway you think you can
come up to me and make a try
by saying make this a night to remember

what you said to me
what you did to me
what you wanted me to do
what you said last night
when you came up tight
what was i supposed to do

i don’t know what made you believe
my simple heart could be so weak
that i could fall for your offence
in saying make this a night to remember

what you said to me
what you did to me
what you wanted me to do
what you said last night
when you came up tight
what was i supposed to do

don’t worry, don’t worry
you know my lips are sealed

mavi cinayet

pamela spence in 2.albumundeki cover sarkilardan biridir.sozleri de soyledir;

varlik icine dusmus yokluk
kalbimde koca bir bosluk
neden bizler size hapsolduk
bazen hic hayir diyemem ben
bazen kimseyi sevemem ben
ama oturup askini bekleyemem
tren kacmis hevesim sonmus
herkesin cenesi cok dusmus
son gulen iyi hep iyi gulmus
gecmisimin hayaletleri
islenen ask cinayetleri
unutamadigim acilar dipdiri
gozleri parlak yuregi solgun
ferahtir ici hisleri durgun
beni ben gibi seven hep sen oldun
gunler gecti geceler bitti
yillar sultanlari toz etti
her baslatilan hep sona erdi
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