

- Yazar -

  1. toplam entry 65
  2. takipçi 1
  3. puan 7302


süüper bir kitaro sarkısı.
buyrun sözleri...

watching the world
from our window of life
can we see all there is
that is real
that is right
to the distance so far
from our true understanding
making us want more
making us see less

the fire
making me clean
making me fly
spinning me ’round and ’round
spinning me ’round

the fire within your eyes
this mystic time
i’ve known before
once before
the flame within our heart
agreements made
are now realized
like before

speaking of worlds
driven far far apart
how the innocence
crushes the nature of things
to the point that we lose
all we’re trying to gain
making us want more
making us see less

the fire
making us clean
making us fly
spinning us ’round and ’round
spinning us ’round

the fire within your eyes
this mystic time
i’ve known before
once before
the flame within our hearts
agreements made
are now realized
like before

the fire
making us clean
making us fly
spinning us ’round and ’round
spinning us ’round

the flame
making us clean
making me fly
spinning me ’round and ’round
spinning me round

agreements of trust
under the power of love we see
agreements of faith
under the power of love we know
agreements of truth
under the power of love we reveal
agreements of love
under the power of love we see
agreements of liberty
under the power of love we know
agreements to set you free
under the power of love we reveal
agreements of trust
under the power of love we see
agreements of faith
under the power of love we know
agreements of truth

en yakın arkadaşın satması

hayatın birden bok olmasıdır.guven falan kalmaz insanda(ne insanlara karsı nede kendine karsı).hele bide hassas biriyse kolayca dip son depresyon moduna gecer.
ama satan kişi(insan yerine koymamak lazım aslında) elbet geri doner aglaya zırlaya hemde...tecrubeyle sabittir.

ülkü ocağı

evinizin yakınında oldugu zaman sizin için işkence haline gelebilecek mekan(özellikle secim zamanı)...kavga,gurultu,sarkı,turku eksik olmaz.
ayrıca gençlik icin tehlikeli yerlerdir buralar,cok tehlikeliii....


replikas’ın bir sarkısıdır.iki genc kız filminin soundtrackidir aynı zamanda.sözleri "laaa laa laaa"dan ibarettir ama baya sıkı bi sounda sahiptir.

cheshire kedisi

alis harikalar diyarında’da gövdesi kaybolup sadece gülüşü kalan kedi.diger bir degişle "kedisi olmayan gülüş"tür.
istedigi zaman istedigi yerde beliren bir kedidir.urkunctur,delidir.

bu adreste gorulebilir.
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