

- Yazar -

  1. toplam entry 1077
  2. takipçi 1
  3. puan 56590


sirket stratejisi geregi mukemmel telefon uretmeyen firma. yuksek camera piksel destegi bulunanlarda bluetooth yoktur. yok efendim kiminde hicbir senkronizasyon bulunmaz. applicatorlari agir kacar. radyosu olanda mp3 player destegi saglanmaz. herseye ragmen gusel telefonlar uretir. sahsimca standart kavramini olusturan markadir.

boys dont cry

the cure in patlamasina sebebiyet veren parcalarindan biridir. hatta dinleme eylemine erismis kisiler rock n coke festivalinin gectigimiz yillarindan birinde jenerik muzigi olarak kullanildigini bilirler. sozleri de soyledir;

i would say i’m sorry
if i thought that it would change your mind
but i know that this time
i have said too much
been too unkind

i try to laugh about it
cover it all up with lies
i try and laugh about it
hiding the tears in my eyes
because boys don’t cry
boys don’t cry

i would break down at your feet
and beg forgiveness
plead with you
but i know that it’s too late
and now there’s nothing i can do

erol evgin

adini her duydugumda bana eski bir mitsubishi reklamini hatirlatan adam insani. reklamda kucuk bir cocuk peruklu amcama gelir ver der ki;

-erol amca bu misubisinasibisi?
-oyle bisi


hip hip
hip hip
hip hip
hip hip

when you’re on a holiday
you can’t find the words to say
all the things that come to you
and i wanna feel it too

on an island in the sun
we’ll be playing and having fun
and it makes me feel so fine
i can’t control my brain

hip hip
hip hip

when you’re on a golden sea
you don’t need no memory
just a place to call your own
as we drift into the zone

on an island in the sun
we’ll be playing and having fun
and it makes me feel so fine
i can’t control my brain

we’ll run away together
we’ll spend some time forever
we’ll never feel bad anymore

hip hip
hip hip
hip hip

on an island in the sun
we’ll be playing and having fun
and it makes me feel so fine
i can’t control my brain

we’ll run away together
we’ll spend some time forever
we’ll never feel bad any more

heh heh

we’ll never feel bad anymore
(hip hip)
(hip hip)
no no
(hip hip)
(hip hip)
we’ll never feel bad anymore
no no

kuyruklu yıldız

havasiz serbestce suzulesi uzay ortaminda dunyaya yaklasan gok cisimlerinin atmosfer sinirlarina girdikleri andan itibaren tamamiyla yok olasiya kadar devam eden yanma surecini cahil insanoglunun adlandirma sekli.
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