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  1. toplam entry 355
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  3. puan 13116

51st state

new model army ’nin en güzel parçası. sözleri;

look out of your windows, watch the skies
read all the instructions with bright blue eyes
we’re, proud american sons
we know how to clean our teeth and how to strip down a gun

we’re the 51st state of america

our star-spangled union jack flutters so proud
over the dancing heads of the merry patriotic crowd
tip your hat to the yankee conqueror
we’ve got no reds under the bed with guns under our pillows

we’re the 51st state of america

here in the land of opportunity, watch us revel in our liberty
you can say what you like but it doesn’t change anything
because the corridors of power are an ocean away

we’re the 51st state of america

pulp fiction

uma thurman kendini kill bill ’de rezil etmeseydide pulp fiction ’nın çekici ve seksi güzeli olarak hatırlasaydık hep. john travolta ile uma thurman ’ın çıplak ayakla dans ettiği sahne her ne kadar scent of a woman ’daki al pacino ’nun tango sahnesi kadar iyi olmasada güzel bi sahnedir. ayrıca john travolta’nın danstan sonra mia’nın evine gidip tuvalette kendi kendine taktik vermesi beni bitiren yerlerden biridir.


godsmack’ın en güzel parçası. sözleri;

i’m not the one who’s so far away
when i feel the snake bite enter my veins.
never did i wanna be here again,
and i don’t remember why i came.

candles raise my desire,
why i’m so far away.
no more meaning to my life,
no more reason to stay.

freezing, feeling,
breathe in, breathe in...
i’m coming back again...

i’m not the one who’s so far away
when i feel the snake bite enter my veins.
never did i wanna be here again,
and i don’t remember why i came.

hazing clouds rain on my head,
empty thoughts fill my ears.
find my shape by the moonlight,
why my thoughts aren’t so clear.

demons dreaming,
breathe in, breathe in...
i’m coming back again...

i’m not the one who’s so far away
when i feel the snake bite enter my veins.
never did i wanna be here again,
and i don’t remember why i came.

voodoo, voodoo, voodoo, voodoo.
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