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  1. toplam entry 813
  2. takipçi 1
  3. puan 54028

on every street

ayrica albumdeki sarkilardan biri...
there’s gotta be a record of you some place
you gotta be on somebody’s books
the lowdown, a picture of your face
your injured looks

the sacred and profane
the pleasure and the pain
somewhere your fingerprints remain concrete
and it’s your face i’m looking for on every street

a ladykiller, regulation tattoo
silver spurs on his heels
what can i tell you as i’m standing next to you
she threw herself under my wheels
oh it’s a dangerous road
and a hazardous load
and the fireworks over liberty explode in the heat
and it’s your face i’m looking for on every street

a three-chord symphony crashes into space
the moon is hanging upside down
i don’t know why it is i’m still on the case
it’s a ravenous town
and you still refuse to be traced
seems to me such a waste
and every victory has a taste that’s bittersweet
and it’s your face i’m looking for on every street
and it’s your face i’m looking for on every street


bir massive attack parcasi..

love, love is a verb
love is a doing wordlove, love is a verb
love is a doing word
feather’s on my breath
gentle impulsion
shakes me makes me lighter
feather’s on my breath
teardrop on the fire
feather’s on my breath
in the night of matter
black flowers blossom
feather’s on my breath
black flowers blossom
feather’s on my breath
teardrop on the fire
feather’s on my breath
water is my eye
most faithful mirror
feather’s on my breath
teardrop on the fire of a confession
feather’s on my breath
most faithful my love
feather’s on my breath
teardrop on the fire
feather’s on my breath

feather’s on my breath
gentle impulsion
shakes me makes me lighter
feather’s on my breath

knockin on heaven s door

bob dylan in cok tatli sarkisi..onune gelen coverlami$tir bu $arkiyi..en guzelleriguns n roses ve pink floyd dur kanimca..

yeah, yeah, yeah,
yeah, yeah, yeah,

mama take this badge off of me,
i can’t use it any more,
it’s getting dark, too dark to see,
feel i’m knocking on heavens door.

knock, knock knocking on heavens door,
knock, knock knocking on heavens door.
knock, knock knocking on heavens door,
knock, knock knocking on heavens door,

mama put my guns in the ground,
i can’t shoot them any more,
that long black cloud is coming down,
feels like i’m knocking on heavens door.

knock, knock knocking on heavens door,
knock, knock knocking on heavens door,
knock, knock knocking on heavens door,
yeah yeah,
knock, knock knocking on heavens door,

yeah, yeah, yeah
yeah, yeah, yeah

ecstacy in decay

bloodthirst albumunden bir cannibal corpse sarkisi..

immence oceans of gore, rivers of pus, mountains of bones
rapture, fester in filth, abnormal wealth, immenced in a world of decadence
ecstacy in decy, engrossed in deterioration
penchant for extreme ordure
pervading of vicera
rejoice in gristly disgust
exorbiant reality
one thousand years of compiled waste, frenzy in muck intoxicates
ecstacy in decay, engrossed in deterioration
penchant for extreme ordure
pervading of vicera
rejoice in gristly disgust
exuberant castigation
wading in bile, soaking in guts, ancient inards

immence oceans of gore, rivers of pus, mountains of bones
rapture, fester in filth, abnormal wealth immenced in a world of decadence
mind altered, eternally fetid cadaverous empire
squelched domain
swamped ruins, dismal necrotic incarnate metropolis
lost dwelling
exorbiant reality
obfuscated ossuary
one thousand years of compiled waste, frenzy in muck intoxicates
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