
memento mori

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memento mori
acilimi ankara anadolu lisesidir ve nedendir bilinmez hep ankara ataturk anadolu lisesi sanilir.diskapida bulunur.yabanci dil olarak almanca ve fransizca egitim verilir.bir beden hocasi vardir bedrettin boz bey superdir super..umarim hala ordadir.


memento mori
korn’un 1999 yilinda piyasaya cikan albumu.
2.falling away from me
4.4 you
5.beg for me
6.make me bad’s gonna go away
8.wake up i going crazy?
10.hey daddy
11.somebody someone way
13.let’s get this party started
14.i wish you could be me
16.dirty adli parcalari bunyesinde bulundurur.

damien rice

memento mori
super bir sesi olan super bir yorumcu.volcano adli super bir sarkisi vardir.sozlerinide yazalim tam olsun.
don’t hold yourself like that
you’ll hurt your knees
i kissed your mouth, and back
and that’s all i need
don’t build your world around
volcanoes melt you down

what i am to you is not real
what i am to you, you do not need
what i am to you is not what you mean to me
you give me miles and miles of mountains
and i’ll ask for the sea

don’t throw yourself like that
in front of me
i kissed your mouth, your back
is that all you need?
don’t drag my love around
volcanoes melt me down

what i am to you is not real
what i am to you, you do not need
what i am to you is not what you mean to me
you give me miles and miles of mountains
and i’ll ask
what i give to you is just what i’m going through
this is nothing new, no, no just another phase of finding
what i really need is what makes me bleed
and like a new disease, lord, she’s still too young to treat
volcanoes melt you down
she’s still too young
i kissed your mouth
you do not need me

eski sevgili

memento mori
arkadas kalma mantiginin asla uygulanilmamasi gereken insan.zira yalandir.mutlaka taraflardan biri icinde az da olsa birtakim hos duygular barindirir ve is arkadas kalabilmekten cikar.paylasilan seyler iyidir hostur ama anidan ibaret kalmalidir.
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