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mide delinmesi

aşırı alkol sonucu hassas bünyelerde olması kuvvetle muhtemel durum.kahve telvesi kıvamında bir kusmuk ile başlar devamında bütün gün kusma ile başgösterir.ivedilikle hastaneye gidildiğinde gereken tedavi yapılır.gidilmediğindeyse 2 ila 3 ay boyunca her yemekten sonra sürekli olarak mide krampı ve ağrısı ile kıvranılır günlerce.demekki neymiş hastaneye gitmek gerekirmiş.

don t blame your daughter

müthiş cardigans parçası.özellikle yaylıların girdiği kısım dinlenesidir.

don t blame your daughter
that’s just sentimental
and don’t blame your mom
for all that you’ve done wrong
your dad is not guilty
you came out a little faulty
and the factory closed
so you can’t hold them liable
you come from an island,
you’re cutting diamonds
with a rubbery knife
your autograph is worthless
so don’t send me letters
and don’t mail me cash
’cause your money is no good
what’s left in your matress
is holes and lack of love left
some hair from a horse,
and none of it is yours, man
you come from an island,
you’re cutting diamonds
with a rubbery knife
and the song you sing today
wasn t always in your head,
the words you tryin’ to say
are the ones you shouldn’t ’ve said
they’re glistenin’ like diamonds,
go out and find’ em
but don’t blame your daughter
read me your tombstone,
tell me you’re sorry, fax me your will,
you owe me something still
blood is like water
the bath that you poured me
has drained and it’s gone,
don’t blame it on your son
and the song you sing today
wasn’t always in your head,
the words you tryin’ to say
are the ones you shouldn’t ’ve said
they’re glistening like diamonds,
go out and find’em
the world is full of diamonds
go out and find’em
but don’t blame your daughter

fridays dust

doves grubuna ait güzel bir parça.
sözleri şöyle ki:
fridays dust
turned into a saturday’s
it wasn’t meant to be this way
it wasn’t meant to end so late

friday’s trust
a deal not brokered honestly
perhaps it’s just a game they played
tell me they’ve not flown away

all the hope
and all the wonder
all the strength that they can muster
won’t go
they won’t get me down

their desire
it seems they’ve got designs on me
they never want me honestly
they try to take me foolishly

all the toys and creature comforts
all the dreams they can rupture
won’t go

friday’s dust
takes all the love we own
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