
karynca kararynca

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uskup sevda şarkısı

karynca kararynca
muhtesem bir incesaz sarkisi.

uskupun icinde kumas bicerler
sevdadan gayrisi dar gelir bana
ellerin zoruyla yardan gecerler
ben yarim birakmam, zor gelir bana

askin acisina ferman diyorlar
ellerin fermani viz gelir bana
olmaz iklimlerden yollar asirdin
gonlunun fermani yaz getir bana

kirk dugum atmislar sevda ustune
yoluna cikarsa coz getir bana
zemheri ayinda guller actirdin
gonlumun kisinda yaz getir bana.


karynca kararynca
eurovision 50 yilin birincisi yarismasini kazanan abba sarkisi.

my, my, at waterloo napoleon did surrender
oh yeah, and i have met my destiny in quite a similar way
the history book on the shelf
is always repeating itself

waterloo - i was defeated, you won the war
waterloo - promise to love you for ever more
waterloo - couldn’t escape if i wanted to
waterloo - knowing my fate is to be with you
waterloo - finally facing my waterloo

my, my, i tried to hold you back but you were stronger
oh yeah, and now it seems my only chance is giving up the fight
and how could i ever refuse
i feel like i win when i lose

waterloo - i was defeated, you won the war
waterloo - promise to love you for ever more
waterloo - couldn’t escape if i wanted to
waterloo - knowing my fate is to be with you
waterloo - finally facing my waterloo

so how could i ever refuse
i feel like i win when i lose

waterloo - couldn’t escape if i wanted to
waterloo - knowing my fate is to be with you
waterloo - finally facing my waterloo
waterloo - knowing my fate is to be with you
waterloo - finally facing my waterloo
waterloo - knowing my fate is to be with you.

free love

karynca kararynca
akillara zarar bir depeche mode sarkisi
free love
if you’ve been hiding from love
if you’ve been hiding from love
i can understand where you’re coming from
i can understand where you’re coming from

if you’ve suffered enough
if you’ve suffered enough
i can understand what you’re thinking of
i can see the pain that you’re frightened of

and i’m only here
to bring you free love
let’s make it clear
that this is free love
no hidden catch
no strings attached
just free love
no hidden catch
no strings attached
just free love

i’ve been running like you
i’ve been running like you
now you understand why i’m running scared
now you understand why i’m running scared

i’ve been searching for truth
i’ve been searching for truth
and i haven’t been getting anywhere
no i haven’t been getting anywhere

and i’m only here
to bring you free love.
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