

- Yazar -

  1. toplam entry 1199
  2. takipçi 1
  3. puan 26319

thank you

guzel bir (bkz: dido) sarkisi.

my tea’s gone cold, i’m wondering
why i got out of bed at all
the morning rain clouds up
my window and i can’t see at all
and even if i could it’d
all be grey, but your picture on my wall
it reminds me that it’s not
so bad, it’s not so bad
i drank too much last night,
got bills to pay, my head just feels in pain
i missed the bus and there’ll
be hell today, i’m late for work again
and even if i’m there, they’ll
all imply that i might not last the day
and then you call me and
it’s not so bad, it’s not so bad and
i want to thank you for giving
me the best day of my life
oh just to be with you is
having the best day of my life
push the door, i’m home at
last and i’m soaking through and through
then you handed me a towel
and all i see is you
and even if my house falls
down now, i wouldn’t have a clue
because you’re near me and
i want to thank you for giving
me the best day of my life
oh just to be with you is
having the best day of my life

gel ey seher

gelmis gecmis en iyi sarkilardan ve duetlerden biridir.sebnem ferah’in sesi essiz cikmistir.bu sariyi sebnem ferah ve polad bulbuloglu’ndan baskasi soylese bu kadar olmazdi.her seyiyle mukemmel.

hayatın ayrıntıları

yazin gittiginiz bir tatil koyunde deniz kumlu,temiz ve masmavidir.butun yil o denizin hayalini kurar ve geri sayimlar gerceklestirirsiniz degisik basliklar altinda.son ay,son hafta vs..ama o gun gelip de denize gittiginizde mavi bayragin alindigini,yosunlarin artik sahile vurdugunu,taslarin doldugunu gorursunuz.deniz de gridir,kumsal da,siz de.

mel gibson

vatikan’a yaptigi bagislarla afrika’yi doyurabilecek dunya zengini aktor.onun ne mal oldugunu ben bilirim ,masum yuzune aldanmayin gibi konusmalar da yapilir onun hakkinda.south park’in onunla ilgili bolumu her seye son nokta koyar.son nokta.


-aa!niye agliyosun?
-aglamiyorum ki gozume bisi kacti..
-hadi leyn.niye o zaman burnun akiyo?
-o sey gozumden cikip burnuma kacti da ondan.
-sesine noldu?sen bana bunu cevabini ver.burnundan cikip sesine mi kacti o sey?!
-nerden anladin?
-hassstr be.mal misin olum solesene iste agladigini.erkekler de aglar. (tarafimca bizzat yasanmistir.hala itiraf etmez agladigini)
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