  1. toplam entry 2074
  2. takipçi 2
  3. puan 43861


john maynard keynes
kings of convenience'ın şahane şarkısı.

riding on this know-how
never been here before
peculiarly entrusted
possibly that's all
is history recorded?
does someone have a tape?
surely, i'm no pioneer
constellations stay the same

just a little bit of danger
when intriguingly
our little secret
trusts that you trust me
'cause no one will ever know
that this was happening
so tell me why you listen
when nobody's talking

what is there to know?
all this is what it is
you and me alone
sheer simplicity

my mistakes were made for you

john maynard keynes
the last shadow puppets şarkısı

About as subtle as an earthquake, I know,
My mistakes were made for you.
And in the backroom of the bad dream, she came,
And whisked me away, enthused.

And it's as solid as a rock rolling down a hill,
The fact is that it probably will hit something,
On the hazardous terrain.

And we're just following the flock,
Around and in-between,
Before we're smashed to smithereens
Like they were, then we scramble from the blame
And it's the fame that put words in her mouth,
She couldn't help, but spit them out.
innocence and arrogance entwined,
in the filthiest of minds.

She was bitten on her birthday,
And now a face in the crowd, she's not.
And i suspected now forever the shape
She came to escape, is forgot.

And it's a lot to ask her not to sting.
And give her less than everything;
Around your crooked conscious she will wind.

And we're just following the flock,
Around and in-between,
Before we're smashed to smithereens
Like they were, and we scrambled from the blame.
And it's the fame that put words in her mouth,
She couldn't help but spit them out
Around your crooked conscious she will wind.

And it's a lot to ask her not to sting,
And give her less than everything
innocence and arrogance entwined.


john maynard keynes
mademki aylardan kasım, bu şarkıyı anmamak olmazdı. istikrarlı bir şekilde her sene burada tamamen tesadüf bu şarkıyı anıyorum. asla bıkmayacağım sanırım.

darling when did you fall when was it over
darling when, when did you fall when was it over

masumiyet müzesi

john maynard keynes
En sevdiğim Orhan Pamuk kitabıdır. Giriş cümlesi şöyledir;

"hayatımın en mutlu anıymış, bilmiyordum. bilseydim bu mutluluğu koruyabilir, her şey de bambaşka gelişebilir miydi? evet, bunun hayatımın en mutlu anı olduğunu anlayabilseydim, asla kaçırmazdım o mutluluğu. derin bir huzurla her yerimi saran o harika altın an belki birkaç saniye sürmüştü, ama mutluluk bana saatlerce, yıllarca gibi gelmişti."

hayat küçük mutlu anlardan ibaret, kıymetini bilmek, anı kutlamak gerek. kutlu olsun.


john maynard keynes
ingilzice sığınak anlamına gelmekle beraber, balthazar'ın muhteşem bir şarkısıdır, off ki ne off;

every time ı walk on by
stroll along your street
can't believe there's not a thing in the world
a thing left to repeat
and ı was walking on your floor
begging to??
can't believe there's not a thing in the world
a thing left to ask for
so leave my broken bones
ı'll take the load of your skin
throw me all your stones
you need a sinner ı will
every time ı walk on by
stroll along your street
can't believe there's not a thing in the world
a thing left to repeat
so leave my broken bones
ı'll take the load of your skin
throw me all your stones
you need a sinner ı will
so leave my broken bones
ı'll take the load of your skin
throw me all your stones
you need a sinner ı will
don't you know
don't you know what to say
everytime you think about it
talk around it again
don't you know
don't you know where to stay
everytime you think about it
talk around it again
don't you know
don't you know what to say
everytime you think about it
talk around it again
don't you know
don't you know where to stay
everytime you think about it
talk around it again

do me a favour

john maynard keynes
şu dakikaya kadar bu başlığı açmadığım için büyük üzüntü duyuyorum. arctic monkeys'in yine favourite worst nightmare albümünden bir harika. bence 505'tan sonra albümün en iyi şarkısıdır. davullarla başlayan, bas ile devam eden ve en son gitarın da katılmasıyla tamamlanan girişi çok başarılıdır.

ayrılık sonrası bir insanın yaşadıklarını çok net hissettirmiş, alex turner bu konuda çok başarılı zaten. tahminim bu şarkı da alexa chung ile ayrılıklarının sonrasında peydah olmuştur. alexa da ne kadınmış diye düşündürüyor beni. neyse efendim sözleri aşağıdaki gibi olan bu şarkının tek kusuru çok kısa olması. sadece 3:29 sürüyor ve boğazınızda yumru ile bitiyor.

well the morning was complete
and there was tears on the steering wheel dripping on the seat
several hours or several weeks
i'll have the cheek to say they're equally as bleak

it's the beginning of the end
the car went up the hill and disappeared round the bend
ask anyone they'll tell you that it's these times that it tends
to start to break in half, to start to fall apart
hold on to your heart

do me a favour and break my nose
do me a favour and tell me to go away
do me a favour and stop asking questions

she walked away well her shoes were untied
and the eyes were all red,you could see that we'd cried
and i watched and i waited till she was inside
forcing a smile and waving goodbye

curiosity becomes a heavy load
too heavy to hold, too heavy to hold
curiosity becomes a heavy load
too heavy to hold, will force you to be cold

do me a favour and ask if you need some help
she said do me a favour and stop flattering yourself
and to tear apart the ties that bind
perhaps fuck off might be too kind
perhaps fuck off might be too kind

beach side

john maynard keynes
kings of leon'un come around sundown'ından. underrated.

got an attitude,
thinking that it's always right.
blowing smoke rings,
making me wanna fight.
and then i look back,
at all the things i'd ever done.
and then i look up,
seeing that he's on the run.
seeing that he's on the run.

it's a big thing,
everything your heart desires.
and now i have to
try and out-do the fight.
i caught a big break,
when playing in the role.
i saw you laughing,
even though you know it's so.

even though you know it's so.
even though you know it's so.
even when you're on the run.
even when you're on the run.
even when you're on the run.
even when you're on the run.
even when you know it's so.


john maynard keynes
daha once ispanya'da katalan bolgesinin barselona'sini ve kanarya adalari'nin tenerife'sini ziyaret etmistim, ilk kez bu guzel sehre dun geldim.

tapas'i burada ispanya'nin her yoresinden yiyebileceginiz bu sehirde, ben nazicazene sevdikcekle gezdigim barselona'yi yad ediyorum.


john maynard keynes
buraya gitmeyi dusunenlere cok cok onemli bir not vereyim, kesinlikle ama kesinlikle beauvais'ye gitmeyin, uzak durun. bu havalimanindan sehre tren/metro bulunmadigi gibi toplu tasimanin can damarlarindan otobus de yoktur (aslinda paris'te degil, tille denen bir yerde). sadece havatas benzeri saat basi kalkan otobusler vardir ve bu yolculuk yaklasik 2 saat surmektedir. parasi neyse verip cdg'ye inilmelidir.


john maynard keynes
gectigimiz aylarda tekrar ziyaret ettigim bu guzel fransiz sehrini ilk kez 2007 yilinda bir nisan gununde gitmistim, o zamanlar birlikte oldugum kiz arkadasim erasmus ile fransa'ya gitmisti onu gormek ve onunla bu sehri dolasmakti maksat. ogrenciyken, bes parasiz gittigim bu sehirden o zamanlar aldigim keyfi bugun alamiyorum gerci, o da bendeki eksiktendir. ikinci gezisimde de hatiralar tekrar bir zaman seridi gibi geldi karsima, ve hala sokak sokak hatirliyor olmami da biraz gururla karisik yadirgamistim. benzer duyguyu gectigimiz sene barselona'yi gezerken de deneyimlemistim gerci. uzatmayayim efendim, konumuz paris. sizlere zaten herkesin sunabilecegi gorulecek yerlerden ziyade nerede ne yenir ne icilir biraz ondan bahsedeyim.


turk kahvaltisinin yeri hepimiz icin ayridir, hatta butun dunyada bambaska bir konuma sahiptir ( fakat fransizlarin firininin yanina yaklasacak bir zenginligimiz yok. du pain et des idees isimli bir firin var mesela, burada escargot olsun, croissant olsun, brioche olsun hepsi lezizdi (hepsini ayi gibi yedim evet) ve fiyatlar gercekten cok makuldu. bir baska mekan les deux magots. bu mekan gorece pahali olmakla beraber, picasso'nun dora maar ile tanistigi yerde bulunmanin verdigi his bir baska. burada da croque madame'i nacizane tavsiye ederim. arkadasim da kis almisti, o da gayet lezizdi. sanirim burada her sey harika.

ogle yemegi
gercekten nereye girseniz olur, etinizi sarabinizi gayet uygun fiyata ve yuksek kalitede hemen her yerde bulabilirsiniz.

aksam yemegi
burasi icin verebilecegim en guzel tavsiye sacre couer'un hemen asagisinda bulunan le refuge des fondues olabilir. biberonda sarap icerek cok hizli sekilde sarhos olabileceginiz bu mekan adindan da anlasilacagi uzere bir fondu yuvasi. muthis (yalniz cok kucuk bir yer). bunun disinda belcika tarzi midyeleri afiyetle indirebileceginiz leon de bruxelles'i da gonul rahatligiyla onerebilirim.

bon ap.
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