

- Yazar -

  1. toplam entry 46
  2. takipçi 1
  3. puan 7575


yavuz cetin’in satilik albumunun en guzel sarkilarindan biri.

cok uzun zaman once
beni dusurdun tuzagina
benim icin baska bir yol yok
sen ya da hic sen ya da hic

bir yol aradim bazen kendime
hep huzun var elimde
seni kaybetmekten korkmak cok zor
sen ya da hic sen ya da hic
bir senin askina

bir erkek ne ister hayatinda
biraz sefkat biraz tutku hepsi bu
bana verecegin tek sey bu dunyada
haydi durma bir kole oldum senin askina

dost kazigi

en aci deneyimlerden biridir.bazen ask acisindan bile beterdir.guven duygunuz sarsildigi icin bu yaranin kapanmasi bazen uzun zaman alir.gun gectikce alisirsiniz,o olmadan da mutlu olabildiginizi farkedersiniz,hic sallamamaya baslarsiniz.sonra insanlara supheyle yaklasmaya baslarsiniz,hickimseye guvenmemeyi ogrenirsiniz.aslinda boylece de gozleriniz acilmis olur bi bakima da.

(bkz: hisim hisima bir kisim fazla sokar)

worlds within the margin

in flames’in inanilmaz guzellikte sozlere sahip,bastan cikarici,farkli,inanilmaz bir soloya sahip sarkisi.anders’in sarkiya girisi flames’e duyulan saygiyi bi kez daha artirir.
iste sozleri:

raindrop hits the leaf changing it’s position
slightly on the street next to polls
of monotonous waters he walks
slipping feet from steps at random he falls

in the space of between his body and the ground
comets cast off their names stellar neurones misfire

inhale the seed
and spit out a million branches

buds abloom in all directions
frin which events occur
relations and virused meetings
catch fire and explode
in the margin of butterfly wings
entire cycles of evolution
outplayed and faded
sparked away and leaned back into
vacuum-filled nirvana

between the two of my eyes
feverish fractal scar
dance like were they on drugs
peyote labyrinth re-mapped exits
a hasty blink
and a million life-to-comes
will never be the same
as they never were

in the kinetic energy of a moving fist
lies a birth-machine for a parallel universe

with the first movement in organic scap
came a bouquet of alternative answers
all different multiplied and re-divided

coded in the spinal cord of a trilobite
written between the legs on the meganeura
suburban city maps and dormant dictator semen
marked their way through time

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