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12 eylül

evrendeki en mutevazi insanim
ordunun yonetime el koyup ulkedeki butun herkesi potansiyel suclu olarak fisledigi, bir cok sagci ve solcunun iskenceye alindigi, binlerce insanin kayboldugu gunlerin baslangici olan tarih. 12 eylul’den sonra en az 12 eylul oncesinde sokakta olen insanlar kadar insan iskencede olmustur ya da faili mechul kalmistir. 12 eylul turkiye’nin uzerinden gecen bir panzerdir. o tarihten sonra ulkemizin bagimsizligini kendince de olsa isteyen vatansever sag ve sol guruplar kaybolmus yerlerine amerikanin yalakalari almistir. amerikadan turgutun prensleri gelmis, turkiye’yi abd’nin kucagina oturtmuslardir.
eger biz bugun gencligimizin yani kendimizin tepkisiz olmasindan yakiniyorsak bu o darbenin apolitizasyon politikalari yuzundendir. tabi bir ulkede halk ve ozelliklede gencler tepki vermiyorlarsa o ulke asla gotunu dogrultamaz.

tears of pearls

evrendeki en mutevazi insanim
savage gardenin bence en super sarkisi. albumun adida savage gardendi.

and we stare each other down
like victims in the grind
probing all the weakness and
hurt still left behind and we cry
the tears of pearls
we do it. oh we do it.

is love really the tragedy the way you
might describe?
or would a thousand lovers
still leave you cold inside?
make you cry...
these tears of pearls

all these mixed emotions
we keep locked away like stolen pearls
stolen pearl devotions we
keep locked away from all the world

your kisses are like pearls,
so different and so rare
but anger stole the jewels away
and love has left you bare,
made you cry...
these tears of pearls

well i could be the tired joker
pour my heart to get you in
sacrifice my happiness just so i could win
maybe cry...
these tears of pearls

all these mixed emotions
we keep locked away like stolen pearls
stolen pearl devotions we
keep locked away from all the world

we twist and turn where angels burn
like fallen soldiers we will learn
once forgotten, twice removed
love will be the death...
the death of you

all these mixed emotions
we keep locked away like stolen pearls
stolen pearl devotions we
keep locked away from all the world


evrendeki en mutevazi insanim
o da bir nirvana sarkisi.

i’m so happy. cause today i found my friends.
they’re in my head. i’m so ugly. but that’s ok.
’cause so are you. we’ve broke our mirrors.
sunday morning. is everyday for all i care.
and i’m not scared. light my candlrs. in a daze cause i’ve found god.


i’m so lonely. and that’s ok.
i shaved my head. and i’m not sad. and just maybe.
i’m to blame for all i’ve heard. and i’m not sure.
i’m so excited. i can’t wait to meet you there.
and i don’t care. i’m so horny. but that’s ok. my will is good.


(chorus) i like it. i’m not gonna crack.
i miss you. i’m not gonna crack. i love you.
i’m not gonna crack. i kill you. i’m not gonna crack.

i’m so happy. cause today i found my friends.
they’re in my head. i’m so ugly. but that’s ok.
’cause so are you. we’ve broke our mirrors.
sunday morning. is everyday for all i care.
and i’m not scared. light my candlrs.
in a daze cause i’ve found god.


in bloom

evrendeki en mutevazi insanim
nirvananyn ho? bi ?arkysydyr. aha da sozler

sell the kids for food. weather changes moods.
spring is here again. reproductive glands.

he’s the one who likes all the pretty songs.
and he likes to sing along. and he likes to shoot his gun.
but he knows not what it mean. knows not what it mean. and i say yeah.

we can have some more. nature is a whore.
bruises on the fruit. tender age in bloom.

about a girl

evrendeki en mutevazi insanim
nirvananin en baba sarkilarindandir.

i need an easy friend. i do, with an ear to lend.
i do think you fit this shoe. i do, won’t you have a clue.

(chorus) i’ll take advantage while. you hang me out to dry.
but i can’t see you every night, free.

i standing in your line. i do hope you have the time.
i do pick a number too. i do keep a date with you.

i need an easy friend. i do, with an ear to lend.
i do think you fit this shoe. i do, won’t you have a clue.

i’ll take advantage while. you hang me out to dry.
but i can’t see you every night. no i can’t see you every night, free. i do.
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