
eric cartman

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telefon sapığı

eric cartman
eskiden dinleyenlere mukaddes ankara turkusu doktur muazzez’i dinletenleri meshurdu.sonra telefona ufletmeye çaly?an("turk telekom’dan ariyoruz,telefonda ariza olup olmadigini anlamamiz icin telefona uflemeniz gerekmektedir" jargonuyla ariyorlardi),ufleme gafletinde bulunan zavallilara "ooooh...tasaklarim sogudu..." diyen modelleri cikti.son zamanlarda da ara sira arayip papi chulo falan dinletiyorlar,ama msn’in cikmasiyla telefonda calisanlarin pek bir forsu kalmadi.artik yeni nesil moda:"kiz msn adresi arayan tipler"

kız msn adresi arayan tipler

eric cartman
bir de gaflet aninda yakalayip listesine eklendikleri kizi webcam acmaya zorlarlar ki akillara ziyan.sanki kamerayi actirip s.kecekler kizi.uzulerek soyluyorum ki internet cafeleri mesken tutan bu insanlar gun gectikce cogaliyorlar...türk erkeklerinin tamamy potansiyel tecavüzcüdür önermesinin yaygynla?masynyn güncel müsebbibleridir bunlar.kendilerine kinim sonsuzdur...

kız msn adresi arayan tipler

eric cartman
genelde yuzyuze iletisimde basarisiz,gercek hayatta iliskiye girdigi kizlardan yuz bulamayip trend icabi sanal aleme tasinmis,klavye basindayken karsidaki kizi(veya artik her neyse) etkileyebilecegini dusunen zavalli zevattir.iki kelime,uc smiley yardimiyla don juan kesileceklerini zannederler.lakin bilmezler ki gercek hayatta bu tarz ilskileri beceremeyen birinin bilgisayar basinda da hic sansi yoktur.

rock with you

eric cartman
bir michael jackson sarkisi.ilk olarak 1979 tarihli off the wall albumunde,daha sonra history: past, present and future’da yer aldi.eskiden joy tv’de klibi yayinlanirdi,michael jackson’in tacizci olarak nam salmadigi,atlantisli zekiye olmadigi zamanlarda cekilmis klibi.aah ahhh...

iste sozleri:

girl, close your eyes
let that rhythm get into you
don’t try to fight it
there ain’t nothin’ that you can do
relax your mind
lay back and groove with mine
you got to feel the heat
and we can ride the boogie
share that beat of love
i wanna rock with you (all night)
dance you into day (sunlight)
i wanna rock with you (all night)
we’re gonna rock the night away

out on the floor
there ain’t nobody there but us
girl, when you dance
there’s a magic that must be love
just take it slow
’cause we got so far to go
when you feel that heat
and we’re gonna ride the boogie
share that beat of love

i wanna rock with you (all night)
dance you into day (sunlight)
i wanna rock with you (all night)
we’re gonna rock the night away

and when the groove is dead and gone (yeah)
you know that love survives
so we can rock forever, on
i wanna rock with you
i wanna groove with you
i wanna rock with you
i wanna groove with you

i wanna rock (all night) with you girl (sunlight)
rock with you, rock with you girl (yeah)
(all night)
dance the night away

i wanna rock with you (yeah) (all night)
rock you into day (sunlight)
i wanna rock with you (all night)
rock the night away
feel the heat feel the beat
rock you into day (sunlight)
i wanna rock - rock the night away

forever and for always

eric cartman
sozleri de burada:

in your arms i can still feel the way you
want me when you hold me
i can still hear the words you whispered
when you told me
i can stay right here forever in your arms

and there ain’t no way--
i’m lettin’ you go now
and there ain’t no way--
and there ain’t not how
i’ll never see that day....

’cause i’m keeping you
forever and for always
we will be together all of our day
wanna wake up every
morning to your sweet face--always

mmmm, baby
in your heart--i can still hear
a beat for every time you kiss me
and when we’re apart,
i know how much you miss me
i can feel your love for me in your heart

and there ain’t no way--
i’m lettin’ you go now
and there ain’t now way--
and there ain’t no how
i’ll never see that day....

[repeat chorus]

(i wanna wake up every morning)

in your eyes--(i can still see
the look of the one) i can still see
the look of the one who really loves me
(i can still feel the way that you want)
the one who wouldn’t put anything
else in the world above me
(i can still see love for me) i can
still see love for me in your eyes
(i still see the love)

and there ain’t no way--
i’m lettin’ you go now
and there ain’t no way--
and there ain’t no how
i’ll never see that day....

[repeat chorus (2x)]

i’m keeping you forever and for always
i’m in your arms
5 /

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