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crate blue voodoo

cratein ürettiği şahane bir lambalı amfi.zamanında megadeth de kullanmıştı albüm kayıtlarında.harika bir drive tonu vardır.pedal falan takmak bu amfiye hakarettir.en çok da jackson gitar yakışır bu merete.


filmde cadılar bayramı sırasında et’yi bir çarşaf içinde sokağa çıkarırlar.o sırada yolda yoda kostümlü bir çocuk görülü, yoda kostümlü cocuğü görüp ona doğru yürümeye baş wars’a güzel bir gönderme.

tornado of souls

lucretia’nın ardından gelir albümde.lucretiadaki solo aslında bizi bu şarkıdaki soloya hazırlar.friedmanın yazdığı en etkileyici sololardan biridir tornado of souls’un solosu.daha ilk notada, hayvani bir bend ile başlar solo.bu kadar melodik bu kadar iyi bir solo daha nasıl yazılabilir ki.muhteşem ghost bendler.aklımızı alan sweep pickingler ile kendinden geçirir adamı.sonlara doğru bir kopma noktası vardır.friedman öyle bir parmak açma haraketi yapar ki, orjinal haliyle çalınmasını nerdeyse imkansız hale getirir soloyu.

family tree

megadeth’in youthanasia albümünden, oldukça güzel bir marty friedman solosu barındıran şarkısı.

sözleri de yazalım tam olsun.

forgotten things remembered
the tigers eat their young
the body stayed but inside the head
the mind was on the run
a conspiracy of silence
the only way out of pain
is turn around, run through it man
too wet to come in from the rain,
tell them...

i know they were doing it to you
but don’t try doing it to me

let me show you, how i love you
it’s our secret, you and me
but keep it in the family tree
the secret of the family tree

when you hear them saying "trust me"
don’t wait to see what’s next
thrown to the wolves
forever trusting
raised in a form of living hell
sing a one note song of rage
live and die within your heart
so beware in the shadows

your family tree waits in the dark
i say...

reckoning day

megadeth’in youthanasia albümündeki hit şarkılardan biri.

sözlerini de yazalım.

i like the way that i make you itch
and all the reasons i give you to bitch
and how i make you wanna scream in pain
and feel your life is just a losing game

i like the way that you let me in
the way you look when the walls cave in
i like the way that your stomach knots
and how you cry for it all to stop

i like the way that you fool yourself
and make believe there’s nobody else
i like the way that you stand in line
and beg salvation from the empty skies

don’t want no revenge
ain’t no pay back time
it ain’t called getting even
here comes the reconing day

i like the things that you try to fake
and your face when i see you break
and that you say you will pray for me
you realize you are prey for me

i like the way you stay on attack
no matter what, i keep coming back
and how you try to hold me down
but you end up driven to the ground

train of consequences

megadeth’in youthanasia albümündeki bir şarkısı.

ahanda sözleri.

i’m doing you a favor
as i’m taking all your money
i guess i should feel sorry
but i don’t even trust me
there’s bad news creeping up
and you feel a sudden chill
how do you do? my name is trouble
i’m coming in for the kill...
and you know i will

set the ball a rollin
i’ll be clicking off the miles
on the train of consequences
my boxcar life o’ style
my thinking is derailed
i’m tied up to the tracks
the train of consequences
there ain’t no turning back

no hourse ever ran as fast
as the money that you bet
i’m blowing on my cards
and play them to my chest
life’s fabric is corrupt
shot through with corroded thread
as for me i hocked my brains
packed my bags and headed west
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