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prostat kanseri

erkeklerde kansere bağlı ölümlerde 2. sırada yer alır. 6. dekatta %15 insidansa sahiptir. en sık prostatın periferal bölgesinde oluşur. erken bulgu vermez. kanser ilerleyip orta zona yani üretra etrafına gelince semptomlar başlar.
tanıda en önemli yöntem rektal tuşedir.

benign prostat hipertrofisi

prostat bezinin iyi huylu büyümesidir. hücre artışı üretra etrafını saran düz kaslarda olduğu için erken dönemde bulgu verir. özellikle geceleri artan ve gün boyu devam eden sık idrar yapma en sık görülen belirtisidir. mesanenin tam boşalmadığı hissedilir.

45 yaş üstü erkeklerde görülür. bph tanısı alan her hasta prostat kanseri açısından da değerlendirilmelidir. tanıda rektal tuşe çok önemlidir. psa düzeylerine bakarak biyopsi yapılıp yapılmayacağına karar verilir.

medikal tedavide düz kasları gevşeten alfa bloker ilaçlar kullanılır. eğer hastada tekrarlayan enfeksiyon ve hematüri gibi bulgular varsa cerrahi düşünülür.


modafinil içeren sss stimülanıdır.narkolepsi ve hipersomnia tedavisinde kullanılır.

sınav zamanlarda uykuyu azaltmak ve zihni açmak için kullandığım bir ilaçtır.ancak çeyrek tableti bile kalbinizi ağzınızdan çıkarmaya yetmektedir.uzman doktor reçetesiyle verilen bu ilaç oldukça da pahalıdır.kalp hastalarında dikkatli kullanılmalıdır.


angelus’u hiç tanımam sadece independence’nin babasının hasta olduğu haberini verdiği an çok üzülmüştüm, bizim çok kurtulan hastamız oldu demiştim, kelimelerin bazıları rahatlatmak için söylenmişti elbette..

sabır ve sağlık diliyorum sana.hayatta yaşabileceğin en acı şeyi yaşıyorsundur umarım.umarım tanrı daha acısını göstermez sana.ona layık bir evlat olmak ve dua etmek sana iyi gelecektir.

allah rahmetiyle muamaele etsin.

you shook me all night long

she was a fast machine
she kept her motor clean
she was the best damn woman i had ever seen
she had the sightless eyes
telling me no lies
knockin’ me out with those american thighs
taking more than her share
had me fighting for air
she told me to come but i was already there

’cause the walls start shaking
the earth was quaking
my mind was aching
and we were making it and you -

shook me all night long

working double time
on the seduction line
she was one of a kind, she’s just mine all mine
she wanted no applause
just another course
made a meal out of me and came back for more
had to cool me down
to take another round
now i’m back in the ring to take another swing

’cause the walls were shaking
the earth was quaking
my mind was aching
and we were making it and you -

shook me all night long

that dont impress me much

i’ve known a few guys who thought they were pretty smart
but you’ve got being right down to an art
you think you’re a genius-you drive me up the wall
you’re a regular original, a know-it-all
oh-oo-oh, you think you’re special
oh-oo-oh, you think you’re something else

okay, so you’re a rocket scientist
that don’t impress me much
so you got the brain but have you got the touch
don’t get me wrong, yeah i think you’re alright
but that won’t keep me warm in the middle of the night
that don’t impress me much

i never knew a guy who carried a mirror in his pocket
and a comb up his sleeve-just in case
and all that extra hold gel in your hair oughtta lock it
’cause heaven forbid it should fall outta place

oh-oo-oh, you think you’re special
oh-oo-oh, you think you’re something else

okay, so you’re brad pitt
that don’t impress me much
so you got the looks but have you got the touch
don’t get me wrong, yeah i think you’re alright
but that won’t keep me warm in the middle of the night
that don’t impress me much

you’re one of those guys who likes to shine his machine
you make me take off my shoes before you let me get in
i can’t believe you kiss your car good night
c’mon baby tell me-you must be jokin’, right!

oh-oo-oh, you think you’re special
oh-oo-oh, you think you’re something else

okay, so you’ve got a car
that don’t impress me much
so you got the moves but have you got the touch
don’t get me wrong, yeah i think you’re alright
but that won’t keep me warm in the middle of the night

that don’t impress me much
you think you’re cool but have you got the touch
don’t get me wrong, yeah i think you’re alright
but that won’t keep me warm on the long, cold, lonely night
that don’t impress me much

okay, so what do you think you’re elvis or something...
that don’t impress me much!

alright! alright!

you’re tarzan!
captain kirk maybe.
john wayne.
that don’t impress me much!

zorunlu hizmet

insanca yaşama hakkınızın bile elinizden alındığı hizmettir.48 saat nöbet tutarsın, nöbet ertesi dinlenmen gerekirken sen hastanede kalıp hastalarınla ilgilenmeyi tercih edersin.tüm imkanları sonuna kadar kullanmaya çalışırsın.ama hastanın biri öğle yemeğine gittiğin için seni valiye kadar şikayet edebilir.hakkıdır tabi; doktor yorulmaz, uyumaz, acıkmaz, sıçmaz.
(bkz: ben bugün bunu gördüm)

your the inspiration

you know our love was meant to be
the kind of love to last forever
and ı want you here with me
from tonight until the end of time
you should know
everywhere ı go
always on my mind
ın my heart
ın my soul

you’re the meaning in my life
you’re the inspiration
you bring feeling to my life
you’re the inspiration
wanna have you near me
ı wanna have you hear me saying
"no one needs you more than ı need you"

and ı know (and ı know)
yes ı know that it’s plain to see
so in love when we’re together
now ı know (now ı know)
that ı need you here with me
from tonight until the end of time
you should know (yes, you need to know )
everywhere ı go
you’re always on my mind
you’re in my heart
ın my soul

you’re the meaning in my life
you’re the inspiration
you bring feeling to my life
you’re the inspiration
want to have you near me
ı want to have you hear me saying
"no one needs you more than ı need you"
want to have you near me
ı want to have you hear me saying
"no one needs you more than ı need you"
you’re the meaning in my life
you’re the inspiration
you bring feeling to my life
you’re the inspiration

when you love somebody
’til the end of time
when you love somebody
always on my mind / no one needs you more than ı
when you love somebody
’til the end of time
when you love somebody
always on my mind / no on needs you more than

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