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brain on the wall

pentagram’ın trail blazer albümünden bir parcadır.

- uffff...
- i’m getting bored
- hmmmmm...
- i’m hunery
- i need a human brain
- bea little patiend,he’ll come in a feww minutes
- .................brain
- ???????
- hmmmmmm
- here he comes
- gooooooooo!!!

your brains are fat your ideas are flat
i look inside your mind and see it’s black
you’re killin the people by your wicket thoughts
and i really wish i could see

brain,brain on the wall
brain,brain on the wall

you think you’ll be a part of my history
but you can’t be a part of my shit
you’re having fun while the other people cry
and i really want your

the planet

pentagram’ın trail blazer albümünden bir parcadır.

- attention nr. 75 your mission is to geeet close the planet and try to connect
- go it
- platform 5,gate 29 get ready to fly - got it
- countdown to exit:
- hello base this is nr. 75 an we just aaarrived the land
we wanna get some information before we start to land
- ok.’75 this is captain zenix...we justtt recieved the information
there’s life present on the land and now we know that this strange
place’s called earth
- you said there’s life down there,is ittt right harmonize?
people of this planet,is there favious in their eye?
- hold on ’75 wait on the line.this peoppple dosen’t seem so friendly
no act unlles you get a’s dangerous,this people’re full of hate
- listen base, i found a cahnnel of a huuuman radio station
i’m waitin for the last order,and ready for communications
- this command i do in sorrow;just breakkk off all connections
all units,turn back to base.last order,we leave this planet of death

over the line

pentagram’ın trail blazer albümünden bir parcadır.

you realize your future
children gone insane
devil never ending pain

you’ll never be immortal
of never be unborn
i’m the one to send you alone
over, over the line

nightmares full of fear
one touch, you disappear
diggin your own grave,
do you think you’re brave?

i rule you blind
i read your mind
i can hear you cry,when your fly!
over, over the line

you better pray before you die!
flying in your dreams
pleasure into lies
sex no satisfachion
terror in your eyes

a soul will never rest
closer to his death
you’re ready for your last walk alone!
over, over the line

time bomb

pentagram’ın trail blazer albümünden bir parcadır.

you’re lost in the middle
fellin so hopeless and searching for restless peace
runnin,runnin,you go insane at all
realize you’ll never find again,i know

you know i’m the reason you cry
you fear is what makes me stand
the world is turnin to a time bomb
you’re chained and you don’t understand

time bomb, time bomb

no one will ever win the game of war
you look,but never see the other side of wall
the world is helpless in the race against the time
and time is foolin all the man kind ever more

pain,sorrow,don’t you feel? cries fear,don’t you hear?... no!!!
darkness comin down alone
you can’t deny it
warpain covering the world
you can’t clean it
roses fall down from the guns
i can’t believe it
now i see your ugly face
but i can’t stand it

fly forever

pentagram’ın trail blazer albümünden dinlenesi bir parcadır.

from the vision of the pain
troygt the corners of the wood
times you lived your life

bleddin from it’s vains of nails
lived the pain that never ends
the tree of death

since you were from the dirth
and raised too high
of what life is worth

when you ease your brain
see your dreams over
fence your eager to fly forever

reaching trough the gun
role the trigger run
that’s no reason to fly
forever fly

few minutes of fallin drops
to dry the streams of your blood
you leave your god

as the mountain on which i close my eyes
to embrace the future of my last

vita es morte

pentagram’ın trail blazer albümünden bir parcadır.

that the man lives in fear
the future seems not so clear
only one press on the button
eternal life is what’ll share
the feeling of lise gets so boring
like a hell it s torturing
tell me one good reason before
i decide to end my living
their systems seems to be suffering
a fuckin reality based on fear
oppressing people to obey
the only way to stop you feel real

lick of death tastes yoy
kiss of hell takes you away
through the lights of eden

light of god warns you
the fear of death leaves you
to raise your soul to heaven

vita es morte morte es vite
no difference the way is one
life is death death is life
die live and born

there’s no grohnd for contribution
their political pollution
never listen to what they say cause
they’re leading us to a mortal solution

thousands of people starving
many other rich junk feeding
it s not my way of living
always takin never giving

livin on lies

pentagram’ın trail blazer albümünden bir parcadır.

right is the search for the wrong
which’s the real
it’s all for the mind
but you live for the feel

nothingness is the meaning of life
there’s no you and no us
look deep in the mirror
you’ll see it in your eyes

dream the same thing everynight
hear the darkness over loud
no more silence,never free
will things be better, i can not see

within the rightside
within the wrongside
you know the life is true
when there’s nothing left to say
the truth will chalange you

you’re living on lies!
wrong is to cry for the
vision of time
urless we handle
then who’ll stop the crime

nothingness is the meaning of life
when your hopes fade away
trapped in this nightmare
you can’t break away

right is to know what you
choose for your life
it’s all for the dream
and the dream is the life

everything is the meaning of life
unless you close your eyes
you’de not sale for any price
make no compromise

dream something different tonight
play this music over loud
see you’ll need no surgery
more things better,you will see

within the rightside
within the wrongside
you know the life is true
when there’s nothing left to say
the truth will chalange you

secret missile

pentagram’ın trail blazer albümünün açılış şarkısıdır.

i tell it sarrow that europe is erased from
the world map within the nucler explotions that
still goes on at the remaining parts of asia
shows that milions of people will die world health
organization is insufficient and the united nations
organization can’t take the control to stop the war
clouds of nuclear remnants and acid are still
raining by that destroying forests and all living
beings the human race is vanishing and the same
is the world... god save us ... please...

there is no reason to live alife in this century
people dig eachothers graves peace disappears from coast to coast
traces of nuclear remain will lead the way to our racers dissolution

send in course to end it all
locked to it’s target secret missile
send in course
secret missile

no escape the crime’s epidemic all will and with a big explotion
disarmamed fakes everyone soon we will end up dead
annihilated is the embrio prematurial death of a week existence
technologital shelter saver a few from this mess


becomes primitive and mentally moulded soon urged by brutal instnct
misantropy end vengeance a cause by this war that’ve been
if this beings have a change to live they’ll live in artificialition
the trenches are full with corpses cheated innocent bodies lie


mangled organs in minefields the battle was to die
the vanishing of our planet, you may hear the cries
with those insatiables leading us we won’t die by our wanted fate
surreptitious suspicious plans destroyed my life in hate


warpain, explotions, suffer and death

i turned my face and looked back to mother earth in sorrow
said it was a mistake to start a war there’ll be nothing left tomorrow
there was no reason to live a life in this century
people dug eachothers graves now my souls in a fury



bazı balıkların ağız kenarlarında bulunan duyargalar kedi balıkları,yayın balıkları ve loache türlerinde genelde yiyecek aramak için kullanılan anten benzeri organlar.


barış manco’nun bir şarkısıdır.

oynayın kız oynayın durmanın ne karı var
oynayın kız oynayın durmanın ne karı var
ah bu köyün içinin acaip bekarı var
ah bu köyün içinin acaip bekarı var

derhule der derhule der derhule

oy kemençeci dayı soktun gözüme yayı
oy kemençeci dayı soktun gözüme yayı
kör ettin gözlerimi göremiyorum dünyayı
kör ettin gözlerimi göremiyorum dünyayı

derhule der derhule der derhule

çek aşağı yukarı havanın fitilini
çek aşağı yukarı havanın fitilini
niye konuşmuyorsun kuş mu yedi dilini
niye konuşmuyorsun kuş mu yedi dilini

derhule der derhule der derhule

ha ha ha uşak ha ha
derhule der derhule der derhule

zeytinli rock fest 2006

deathless linkinden canlı izleyebileceğiniz fest. ilk gününü geride bırakmış sabaha karsı 04:01 gibi ogün sanlisoy un dön evine sarkısıyla noktalanmıstır. aylin aslım nasil bir kafayla sahneye cıkmıştır bilinmez ama sergilediği performans görülmeye değerdir.
2. gün
15 temmuz cumartesi 2006
şehrin azizleri
yüksek sadakat
mavi sakal
7 /

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