

- Yazar -

  1. toplam entry 312
  2. takipçi 1
  3. puan 49001

spirit crusher

cok guzel rifflere sahip death sarkisi.

it comes from the depths
of a place unknown to the
keeper of dreams
if it could then it would steal
the sun and the moon from the sky
human at sight, monster at heart
don’t let it inside it could
tear you right apart
no guilt, it feeds in plain sight
spirit crusher
stay strong and hold on tight
spirit crusher
speaking in killing words
the vicious kind that crush and kill
no mercy, its pleasure to taste
the blood that it bled.
when it’s time to feed to fulfill
the need to consume a breath
some will rise standing tall
breathing out all the breath from
the voice of a soul.

independence korkusu

"ay siktir yazdim kizmasin","aman bu entry konsepte aykiri oldu galiba dur bi siliim","ulan hede en iyi bildigim konu ama ya yannis bise yazarsam?en iyisi bise yazmiyim",vs seklinde bir dusunce tarzini benimsemenizi saglayan,abartirsaniz sozlukten sogumaniza veya direk sutlanmaniza neden olacak korku cesidi.ayni zamanda yeni bir bilgic olarak sahip oldugum korku turu.

dream theater

yazin verecekleri konserde kisa boylu olan herkes gibi benim de ezilmek vesilesiyle sakat kalacagimi veya olecegimi dusundugum grup olmasiyla birlikte hala ziyaretlerinin tadini cikarmayi dusundugum gruptur ayni zamanda.

üç nokta

ortadaki ustte,yandakiler asagida ucgen olusturacak sekilde dizildiklerinde ortaya cikan logoyu kolunuzun pazu kismina yerlestirirseniz kor oldugunuz anlamina gelen sey.

blackwater park

12.08 dakikalik gaz mi gaz opeth sarkisi."opeth ne?" diyen bir bunyeye face of melinda ile birlikte dinletildiginde bunyeyi direk opeth hayrani yapabilecek sarki.mikael akerfeldt’in bu ne yaa dedirten vokallerinden tutun yumusacik akustige,tek kelimeyle "opeth riffi" olarak tanimlanabilecek rifflere kadar opeth elemanlarinin yumusak vokaller yapmak disinda tum yeteneklerini sergiledikleri parca.

of the tragedies in man
lurking in the core of us all
the last dying call for the everlost
brief encounters, bleeding pain

lepers coiled ‘neath the trees
dying men in bewildered soliloquys
perversions bloom round the bend
seekers, lost in their quest
ghost of friends frolic under the waning moon

it is the year of death
wielding his instruments
stealth sovereign reaper
touching us with ease

infecting the roots in an instant
burning crop of disease
i am just a spectator
an advocate documenting the loss
fluttering with conceit
this doesn’t concern me yet
still far from the knell
taunting their bereavement

mob round the dead
point fingers at the details
probing vomits for more
caught in unbridled suspense

we have all lost it now
catching the flakes of dismay
born the travesty of man
regular pulse midst pandemonium
you’re plucked to the mass
parched with thirst for the wicked

sick liaisons raised this monumental mark
the sun sets forever over blackwater park
11 /

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