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  1. toplam entry 2506
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  3. puan 71291

sevgiliden ayrılmak istemek

uzun sureli iliskilerin bas belasi. hep istegip hic gerceklestiremediginiz eylem. bir yanda sevginiz ve aliskanliklariniz, bir yanda boka batmis bir iliski... cogu zaman bunu istemekle kalirsiniz, sadece istersiniz. icraate gecmek buzuklu insanlarin yapabilecegi bir seydir.

in my secret life

leonard cohen’in ritmiyle beni bastan cikartan sarkisi.

i saw you this morning.
you were moving so fast.
can’t seem to loosen my grip
on the past.
and i miss you so much.
there’s no one in sight.
and we’re still making love
in my secret life.

i smile when i’m angry.
i cheat and i lie.
i do what i have to do
to get by.
but i know what is wrong.
and i know what is right.
and i’d die for the truth
in my secret life.

hold on, hold on, my brother.
my sister, hold on tight.
i finally got my orders.
i’ll be marching through the morning,
marching through the night,
moving cross the borders
of my secret life.

looked through the paper.
makes you want to cry.
nobody cares if the people
live or die.
and the dealer wants you thinking
that it’s either black or white.
thank god it’s not that simple
in my secret life.

i bite my lip.
i buy what i’m told:
from the latest hit,
to the wisdom of old.
but i’m always alone.
and my heart is like ice.
and it’s crowded and cold
in my secret life.
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