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  1. toplam entry 286
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  3. puan 48806

otuz kupona

muhtesem bir ahmet yilmaz siiri ozellikle son kitasi insani bir hayli dusunduruyor :

radyo televizyon gazete dergi
her bir sey meydanda sergi var sergi
esnafa ciftciye koy pesin vergi
uyan turk evlâdi! uyuma uyan
otuz kupona alinmadi bu vatan

taksitle araba taksit taksit ev
enflasyon kudursun dev oldu dev
uyan turk evlâdi! uyuma uyan
otuz kupona alinmadi bu vatan

sinavi dusunme! kitabin bizden
bedava deneme sinavin bizden
yariciplak hatunlar son avin bizden
uyan turk evlâdi! uyuma uyan
otuz kupona alinmadi bu vatan

bardak, tabak, oyuncak, hali verdiler
denizin dibinde yali verdiler
gul yapragi gosterip, cali verdiler
uyan turk evlâdi! uyuma uyan
otuz kupona alinmadi bu vatan

fatih’e istanbul, yavuz’a misir
yuz kupona kilim, kirk kupon hasir
kuponla gelecek ulkeye huzur
uyan turk evlâdi! uyuma uyan
otuz kupona alinmadi bu vatan

en son hediyeyi kizlar tanitti
gumbur gumbur calan sazlar tanitti
utanmaz arlanmaz yuzler tanitti
uyan turk evlâdi! uyuma uyan
otuz kupona alinmadi bu vatan

kampanya donemi geldi - geciyor
uyuma vatandas firsat kaciyor
millet catir - catir kupon seciyor
uyan turk evlâdi! uyuma uyan
otuz kupona alinmadi bu vatan

her satirdan siddet nefret akiyor
kalemler bolucu tohum ekiyor
ekranlar salyali pislik kokuyor
uyan turk evlâdi! uyuma uyan
otuz kupona alinmadi bu vatan

makyaj, giyim - kusam bunlarin isi
en saglikli yasam bunlarin isi
’siz emredin pasam’ bunlarin isi
uyan turk evlâdi! uyuma uyan
otuz kupona alinmadi bu vatan

ihtilâl yaparsin manset atarlar
’nu resim’ yaparsin topa tutarlar
hangisini saysam katar katarlar
uyan turk evlâdi! uyuma uyan
otuz kupona alinmadi bu vatan

demokrasi lâiklik insan haklari
ortuyle basladi ilk yasaklari
irtica geliyor (!) son tuzaklari
uyan turk evlâdi! uyuma uyan
otuz kupona alinmadi bu vatan

lâiklik - seriat kavgasi bitsin
ulkeme duyulan bu nefret yetsin
sevmeyen serefsiz defolsun gitsin
uyan turk evlâdi! uyuma uyan
otuz kupona alinmadi bu vatan

goruntu kemâlist asli komunist
hesaplar cok ince tam oportunist
bunlar hem yalaka, hem kapitalist
uyan turk evlâdi! uyuma uyan
otuz kupona alinmadi bu vatan

ataturk maskesi isin yapisi
ataturk’e kurban olsun hepisi
bizim ulan memleketin tapusu
uyan turk evlâdi! uyuma uyan
otuz kupona alinmadi bu vatan

deniz turkiye’li onkuzu turk’tu
ay-yildiz bayragi en buyuk farkti
evita sevenler ulku’den korktu
uyan turk evlâdi! uyuma uyan
otuz kupona alinmadi bu vatan

kilickiran ozmen dagda gezmedi
karakol basmadi huzur bozmadi
besbin sehit verdik kimse yazmadi
uyan turk evlâdi! uyuma uyan
otuz kupona alinmadi bu vatan

her gunum cenaze her gunum sehit
cektigim aciya yaradan sahit
bunlarin sebebi bir it oglu it
uyan turk evlâdi! uyuma uyan
otuz kupona alinmadi bu vatan

kimine rusya’da bedava tatil
bedava dinamit bedava fitil
catli’ya gelince ’fasist bir katil’
uyan turk evlâdi! uyuma uyan
otuz kupona alinmadi bu vatan
dusman gelmis kapimiza dayanmis
dort yanimiz kampanyaya boyanmis
kutuplara yaz gelmis bak onlar da uyanmis
uyan turk evladi! uyuma uyan
otuz kupona alinmadi bu vatan

canakkale hic kampanya gormedi
dumlupinar kampanyaya girmedi
kocatepe mega kupon vermedi
uyan turk evlâdi! uyuma uyan
otuz kupona alinmadi bu vatan.

seni kendime sakladım

yeni duman albumu. Track list’i su sekildedir

1 - ozgurlugun ulkesi
2 - sayin bayan
3 - yanibasimdan
4 - seni kendime sakladim
5 - sen ben
6 - melek
7 - en guzel gunum gecem
8 - yurekten
9 - aman aman
10 - sadece koklayacaktim
11 - ruyanda gorsen inanma
12 - gecmis olsun ... seklindedir.

etli ekmek

konya’ya gelinip yenilmesi gereken birsey hamurun ustune bolca kiyma (ince dogranmis kusbasilinin adi bicakarasidir) ve firina veriliyor havzan’da gercekten guzel yapiyorlar 2 metre civarinda suntayla getirip onunuze konuyor ve afiyetle yiyorsunuz konyanin genelinde adedi 2.5 ytl dir.

thugz mansion

akip giden flow dr.dre havasi veriyor tupac’in better days albumunden guzel bir sarki araba hoplatmak icin uygun bir parca :

shit, tired of gettin shot at
tired of gettin chased by the police and arrested
niggaz need a spot where we can kick it
a spot where we belong, that’s just for us
niggaz ain’t gotta get all dressed up and be hollywood
y’knahmean? where do niggaz go when we die?
ain’t no heaven for a thug nigga
that’s why we go to thug mansion
that’s the only place where thugs get in free and you gotta be a g
... at thug mansion

[verse one]
a place to spend my quiet nights, time to unwind
so much pressure in this life of mine, i cry at times
i once contemplated suicide, and woulda tried
but when i held that 9, all i could see was my momma’s eyes
no one knows my struggle, they only see the trouble
not knowin it’s hard to carry on when no one loves you
picture me inside the misery of poverty
no man alive has ever witnessed struggles i survived
prayin hard for better days, promise to hold on
me and my dawgs ain’t have a choice but to roll on
we found a family spot to kick it
where we can drink liquor and no one bickers over trick shit
a spot where we can smoke in peace, and even though we g’s
we still visualize places, that we can roll in peace
and in my mind’s eye i see this place, the players go in fast
i got a spot for us all, so we can ball, at thug’s mansion

[chorus: anthony hamilton]
ain’t no place i’d rather be
chillin’ with homies and family
sky high, iced out paradise
in the skyyyyyyyyyy..
ain’t no place i’d rather be
only place that’s right for me
chromed out mansion in paradise
in the skyyyyyyyyyy..

[verse two]
will i survive all the fights and the darkness?
trouble sparks, they tell me home is where the heart is, dear departed
i shed tattooed tears and couldn’t sleep good
for multiple years, witness peers catch gunshots
nobody cares, seen the politicians ban us
they’d rather see us locked in chains, please explain
why they can’t stand us, is there a way for me to change?
or am i just a victim of things i did to maintain?
i need a place to rest my head
with the little bit of homeboys that remains, cause all the rest dead
is there a spot for us to roll, if you find it
i’ll be right behind ya, show me and i’ll go
how can i be peaceful? i’m comin from the bottom
watch my daddy scream peace while the other man shot him
i need a house that’s full of love when i need to escape
the deadly places slingin drugs, in thug’s mansion

dear momma don’t cry, your baby boy’s doin good
tell the homies i’m in heaven and they ain’t got hoods
seen a show with marvin gaye last night, it had me shook
drippin peppermint schnapps, with jackie wilson, and sam cooke
then some lady named billie holiday
sang sittin there kickin it with malcolm, ’til the day came
little latasha sho’ grown
tell the lady in the liquorstore that she’s forgiven, so come home
maybe in time you’ll understand only god can save us
when miles davis cuttin lose with the band
just think of all the people that you knew in the past
that passed on, they in heaven, found peace at last
picture a place that they exist, together
there has to be a place better than this, in heaven
so right before i sleep, dear god, what i’m askin
remember this face, save me a place, in thug’s mansion.

su gibisin

ozledim seni ah nasil ozledim
gecenin sabaha hasreti gibi bekledim
istedim seni ah nasil arzuladim
susuz kalmis toprak gibi
yagmuruna muhtacim

su gibisin su gibisin
akip gider zaman sen donemezsin
su gibisin su gibisin
gafil avlandim seline yenildim
ruhuma hayat veren sensin

teselli yok hic
ayrilik ok gibi saplanmis kalbime
anlayan yok halimi ses vermez mi duyan haykirislarimi
yalnizlik zor is be kardes
kim dogru kim kalles... seklinde sozleri olan emre altug sarkisi pek bi oynak pek bi güzel.

speed of sound

denizde : 340.29 m / s ye esittir ayrica yeni coldplay sarkisi superdir :

How long before I get in? * Before it starts, before I begin? * How long before you decide? * Before I Know what it feels like? * Where to, where do I go? * If you never try, then you’ll never know * How long do I have to climb * Up on the side of this mountain of mine? * Look up, I look up at night * Planets are moving at the speed of light * Climb up, up in the trees * every chance that you get * Is a chance you seize * How long am I gonna’ stand * With my head stuck under the sand? * I’ll start before I can stop * Before I see things the right way up * NAKARAT: And all that noise, all that sound * All those places I got found * And birds go flying at the speed of sound * To show you how it all began * Birds came flying from the underground * If you could see it then you’d understand * Ideas that you’ll never find * All the inventors could never design * The buildings that you put up * Japan and China all lit up * A sign that I couldn’t read * or a light that I couldn’t see * Some things you have to believe * But others are puzzles, puzzling me * NAKARAT * All those signs, I knew what they meant * Some things you can invent * Some get made, and some get sent * Birds go flying at the speed of sound * To show you how it all began * Birds came flying from the underground * If you could see it then you’d understand * Oh, when you see it then you’ll understand...

Meali :

Ses Hyzy

Ne kadar sürecek ben içine girene dek * O ba?lamadan, ben ilk adymy atmadan? * Ne kadar sürecek senin karar vermen * Nasyl bi his anlamam * Nereye, nereye gidiyorum * Denemezsen asla bilemezsin * Ne kadar tyrmanman gerek daha * Benim da?ymyn zirvesine * Yukary bak, ben yukary bakarym geceleri * Gezegenler y?yk hyzynda hareket ederler * Tyrman, a?açlaryn tepelerine * Yakalady?yn her ?ans * Söküp aldy?yn bir ?anstyr * Ne kadar duraca?ym * Kafam kumun altyna gömülü ?ekilde * Durmadan ba?layaca?ym * Her ?eyi yolunda görene dek * NAKARAT: Tüm bu gürültüler, tüm bu sesler * Buldu?um tüm bu yerler * Ku?lar uçarlar ses hyzynda * Sana her ?eyin nasyl ba?lady?yny göstermek için * Ku?lar uçar gelirler yer altyndan * Görebilsen anlardyn * Asla bulamayaca?yn fikirler * Mucitlerin tasarlayamayacaklary ?eyler * Dikti?iniz binalar * Japonya ve Çin’i aydynlatan * Okuyamady?ym bir i?aret * Ya da göremedi?im bir y?yk * Bazy ?eylere inanman gerek * Ama di?erleri bulmacalar, kafamy kary?tyryyorlar * NAKARAT * Tüm bu i?aretler, anlamlaryny biliyorum * Bazy ?eyleri icat edebilirsin * Bazylary yapylyr, bazylary yollanyr * Ku?lar uçarlar ses hyzynda * Sana her ?eyin nasyl ba?lady?yny göstermek için * Ku?lar uçar gelirler yer altyndan * Görebilsen anlardyn * Gördü?ünde anlayacaksyn.

street spirit

klibindeki ruya cok ilginctir biri kosar biri arkasindan bi kova su doker arabanin ustunde soyler bir tane agac gorulur fln fln cok korkunc bir kliptir ilk izledigimde tirsmistim.

this cocain makes me feel like i am on this song

theres nothing wrong with me,
theres something wrong with you,
theres something wrong with me,
i hope this something doesn’t meet the flesh!

no more cry-ing for our next fix.

theres nothing wrong with me,
theres something wrong with you,
theres something wrong with me,
i hope this something doesn’t meet the flesh!

no more cry-ing for our next fix.

killers never have to fix,
killers never have to fix,
killers never have to fix.

we’re gonna keep it under control,
we’re gonna keep it under control.

single files for today!

i can’t see your choosen-made eyes!
your crying walls are sliding the conjecture.
hiden by the lights of poure conjecture.

a fall stuben love bond,
all flowing in the wind!
hiden by the lights of poure conjecture.

killers never have to fix,
killers never have to fix,
killers never have to fix.

we’re gonna keep it under control,
we’re gonna keep it under control.

single files for today!

theres nothing wrong with me,
theres something wrong with you,
with you and i well..

we’re cry-ing for our next fix.

theres nothing wrong with me,
theres something wrong with you,
with you and i well..

we’re cry-ing for our next fix.

killers never have to fix,
killers never have to fix,
killers never have to fix.

we’re gonna keep it under control,
we’re gonna keep it under control.

single files for today!

single files for today!

single files for today!

there is more... but i think you get the idea... seklinde sozleri olan soad sarkisi.


my cock is much bigger than yours,
my cock can walk right through the door
with a feeling so pure..
it’s got you screaming for more.

cool, in denial
we’re the cruel regulators smoking
cigaro cigaro cigaro
cool, in denial
we’re the cruel regulators smoking
cigaro cigaro cigaro

my shit stinks much better than yours,
my stinks right down through the floor.
with a feeling so pure,
it’s got you coming back for more.

cool, in denial
we’re the cruel regulators smoking
cigaro cigaro cigaro
cool, in denial
we’re the cruel regulators smoking
cigaro cigaro cigaro
cool, in denial
we’re the cruel regulators smoking
cigaro cigaro cigaro
cool, in denial
we’re the cruel regulators smoking
cigaro cigaro cigaro

can’t you see that i love my cock?
can’t you see that you love my cock?
can’t you see that we love my cock?

we’re the regulators that de-regulate
we’re the animators that de-animate
we’re the propagators of all genocide
burning through the world’s resources, then we turn and hide

cool, in denial
we’re the cruel regulators smoking
cigaro cigaro cigaro
cool, in denial
we’re the cruel regulators smoking
cigaro cigaro cigaro

we’re the regulators that de-regulate
we’re the animators that de-animate

cool, in denial
we’re the cruel regulators smoking
cigaro cigaro cigaro
cool, in denial
we’re the cruel regulators smoking
cigaro cigaro cigaro

my cock is much bigger than yours,
my cock can walk right through the door
with a feeling so pure..
it’s got you screaming back for more!... seklinde sozleri olan ilginc bir soad sarkisi.

radio video

la lie lie lie lie lie lie,
hey man! look at me rockin out,
i’m on the radiooooooo,
hey man! look at me rockin out,
i’m on the videooooooo,
hey man! look at me rockin out,
i’m on the radiooooooo,
hey man! look at me rockin out,
i’m on the videooooooo,
with danny and lisa,

they take me away away from,
the strangest place of...
sweet danny and lisa,
they take me away from...ahhh.

hey man! look at me rockin out,
i’m on the radiooooooo,
hey man! look at me rockin out,
i’m on the videooooooo,
with danny and lisa,

they take me away away from,
the strangest place of...
sweet danny and lisa,
they take me away from...ahhh.

[serj whispering]
hey man look at me rockin out,
i’m on the radio!!!!!!!
hey man look at me rockin out,
i’m on the video!!!!!!!
with danny and lisa.

[jamican theme]
they take me away from,
the strangest place of....
sweet danny and lisaaaaaaaaa.

lalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalala [sounds kinda german]
nanananananaana ahhhhhhh.

hey man! look at me rockin out,
i’m on the radiooooooo,
hey man! look at me rockin out,
i’m on the videooooooo,
hey man! look at me rockin out,
i’m on the radiooooooo,
hey man! look at me rockin out,
i’m on the videooooooo,
with danny and lisa... seklinde sozleri olan mesmerize albumunden soad sarkisi.


what do ya need to drink?
fading in the sink,
choking with the link (?)
killing with the stink,
jesting with a smo!

what do ya need to drink?
fading in the sink,
choking with sweet clementine!

what do ya need to drink?
fading in the sink,
hueluaha wink,
sitting on the brink,

oh my sweet revenge!
will be yours... for the taking,
it’s in the making, baby!


my sweet revenge,
will be yours for the taking,
its in the making baby!


what do ya need to drink?
fading in the sink,
choking with the link (?)
killing with the stink,
jesting with a smo!

what do ya need to drink?
fading in the sink,
choking with sweet clementine!

what do ya need to drink?
fading in the sink,
hueluaha wink,
sitting on the brink,

my sweet revenge!
will be your

blah fuck! this song is awful anyway...seklinde sozleri olan soad sarkisi.


mezmerize albumun ilk videosu soad sarkisi klipte muammer amcanin sakallarini kesmis oldugunu gormekteyiz :

why do they always send the poor?
my god is of bible blood with pointed ears
victorious, victorious steel
can your spending kneel?
marching forward hypocritic
and hypnotic computers
you depend on our protection
yet you feed us lies from the tablecloth
la la la la la la la la la la
everybody is going to the party
have a real good time
dancing in the desert
blowing up the sunshine
kneeling roses
disappearing into moses’ dry mouth
breaking into fort knox
stealing our intentions
every city, gripped in oil
crying freedom!
handed to obsoletion
still you feed us lies from the tablecloth
la la la la la la la la la la
everybody is going to the party
have a real good time
dancing in the desert
blowing up the sunshine
everybody is going to the party
have a real good time
dancing in the desert
blowing up the sunshine
blast off, it’s party time
and we all live in a fascist nation
blast off, it’s party time
and where the fuck are you?
where the fuck are you?
where the fuck are you?
why don’t presidents fight the war?
why do they always send the poor?
why don’t presidents fight the war?
why do they always send the poor?
why do they always send the poor?
why do they always send the poor?
why do they always send the poor?
kneeling roses
disappearing into moses’ dry mouth
breaking into fort knox
stealing our intentions
every city, gripped in oil
crying freedom!
handed to a obsoletion
still you feed us lies from the tablecloth
la la la la la la la la la la
everybody is going to the party
have a real good time
dancing in the desert
blowing up the sunshine
everybody is going to the party
have a real good time
dancing in the desert
blowing up the sun
where the fuck are you?
where the fuck are you?
why don’t presidents fight the war?
why do they always send the poor?
why don’t presidents fight the war?
why do they always send the poor?
why do they always send the poor?
why do they always send the poor?
why do they always send the poor?
why do they always send the poor?
why do they always send the poor?
they always send the poor!
they always send the poor!.

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