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tout le bonheur du monde

sinsemilia’nin harika bir sarkisi dinlemeden ölmeyin derim sozleri ise :

on vous souhaite tout le bonheur du monde
et que quelqu’un vous tende la main
que votre chemin évite les bombes
qu’il mène vers de calmes jardins.

on vous souhaite tout le bonheur du monde
pour aujourd’hui comme pour demain
que votre soleil éclaircisse l’ombre
qu’il brille d’amour au quotidien

puisque l’avenir vous appartient
puisqu’on ne contrôle pas votre destin
que votre envol est pour demain
comme tout ce qu’on a à vous offrir
ne saurait toujours vous suffire
dans cette liberté à venir
puisque on ne sera pas toujours là
comme on le fut aux premiers pas

toute une vie s’offre devant vous
tant de rêves à vivre jusqu’au bout
sûrement plein de joie au rendez-vous
libre de faire vos propres choix
de choisir qu’elle sera votre voie
et où celle-ci vous emmènera
j’espère juste que vous prendrez le temps
de profiter de chaque instant

je ne sais pas quel monde on vous laissera
on fait de notre mieux, seulement parfois,
j’ose espérer que cela suffira
pas à sauver votre insouciance
mais à apaiser notre conscience
aurai-je le droit de vous faire confiance...


tout le bonheur du monde isimli hayatimda duydugum en tatli sarkilardan birini yapan grup klibide cok guzel izlerken gozlerim doldu. fransiz reggae muzik toplulugu 1991 yilinda kurulmustur koro gibi bir gruptur 11 kisiden olusmaktadir albumleri :

1996 : première récolte
1998 : résistances
2000 : tout c’qu’on a
2002 : sinsé part en live
2004 : debout les yeux ouverts . gibi dandik bir siteside vardir ulen 11 kisisiniz birlesip guzel bisey yapamadiniz mi ? .


ying yang twins’is fisildayarak soyledigi bir sarkidir simdiye kadar duydugum en mustehcen sarkidir b-am b-am b-am kisimlarinda is ustunde oldugunu ima eder sozleri ise goruldugu gibidir komiktir radyoda birisi icin istenebilir :

hey how you doin lil mama? lemme whisper in your ear
tell you sunthing that you might like to hear
you got a sexy ass body and your ass look soft
mind if i touch it? and see if its soft
naw i’m jus playin’ lets just say i can
and im known to be a real nasty man
and they say a closed mouth dont get fed
so i dont mind asking for head
you heard what i said, we need to make our way to the bed
and you can start usin’ yo head
you like to fuck, have yo legs open all in da butt
do it up slappin ass cuz the sex gets rough
switch the positions and ready to get down to business
so you can see what you’ve been missin’
you might had some but you never had none like this
just wait til you see my dick

ay bitch! wait til you see my dick
wait til you see my dick
ay bitch! wait til you see my dick
imma beat dat pussy up
ay bitch! wait til you see my dick
wait you see my dick
ay bitch! wait til you see my dick
imma beat dat pussy up

like b-am, b-am, b-am, b-am, b-am, b-am, b-am, b-am, b-am, b-am, b-am, b-am, b-am, b-am, b-am, b-am

beat da pussy up, beat da pussy up, beat da pussy up, beat da pussy up, beat da pussy up, beat da pussy up, beat da pussy
up, beat da pussy up

[verse 2]

you fine, but i aint gone sweat ya
see i wanna fuck, tell me whats up
walk around the club with yo thumb in ya mouth
put my dick in, take your thumb out
there might be a lil kosher to deal with
wet ? hope they dont spill shit
i keep a hoe hot when i’m puttin’ in work
wanna skeet skeet you bout to get your feelin’s hurt
cuz i’ll beat dat cat with a dog
and knock da walls of a broad til she scrawl
like (oooooh!)
yea something like that, but it depends on the swing of the baseball bat
fuck a bitch on da counter make the
place fall mats
on the floor she aint screamin she a nut so they crack
fuck that bend over imma give you the dick

ay bitch! wait til you see my dick
wait til you see my dick
ay bitch! wait til you see my dick
imma beat dat pussy up
ay bitch! wait til you see my dick
wait you see my dick
ay bitch! wait til you see my dick
imma beat dat pussy up

like b-am, b-am, b-am, b-am, b-am, b-am, b-am, b-am, b-am, b-am, b-am, b-am, b-am, b-am, b-am, b-am

beat da pussy up, beat da pussy up, beat da pussy up, beat da pussy up, beat da pussy up, beat da pussy up, beat da pussy
up, beat da pussy up



disardakiler toplaniyor yeni gun doguyor... nakaratiyla gonullerde taht kurmus r.e.m sarkisi sarki tam bitti derken q-tip giriyor birden sarkiyave sizi alip goturuyor cesaretinizi toplamaniza yardim ediyor im not afraid im not afraid im not afraid... :

you took me to the restaurant where we first met
you knocked a future shock crowbar upside my head
i got caught with the stop of the tick-tock, tick-tock clock
when you told me what you knew

lost in the moment
the day that the music stopped
and i do remember you

drawing patterns with a cork on the tablecloth
promising volcanic change of plot
where will this lead us - i’m scared of the storm
the outsiders are gathering, a new day is born

i tried to tell you i am not afraid
you looked up and saw it all across my face
so am i with you or am i against
i don’t think it’s that easy - we’re lost in regret

now i’m trying to remember
the feeling when the music stopped
when you told me what you knew

lost in the moment
the day that the music stopped
and i do remember you

drawing patterns with a cork on the tablecloth
promising volcanic change of plot
where does this leave us - i’m scared of the storm
the outsiders are gathering, a new day is born

drawing patterns with a cork on the tablecloth
promising volcanic change of thought
where does this leave us - i’m scared of the storm
the outsiders are gathering, a new day is born

the outsiders are gathering, a new day is born
the outsiders are gathering

a man walks away when every muscle says to stay
how many yesterdays - they each weigh heavy
who says what changes may come?
who says what we call home?
i know you see right through me, my luminescence fades
the dusk provides an antidote, i am not afraid
i’ve been a million times in my mind
this is really just a technicality, frailty, reality

uh, it’s time to breathe, time to believe
let it go and run towards the sea
they don’t teach that, they don’t know what you mean
they don’t understand, they don’t know what you mean
they don’t get it, i wanna scream
i wanna breathe again, i wanna dream
i wanna float a quote from martin luther king
i am not afraid
i am not afraid
i am not afraid

i am not afraid
i am not afraid
i am not afraid
i am not afraid.

lil jon

asil adi jonathan smith’dir 1970 georgia atlanta dogumludur douglass high school’dan 1988 mezun olduktan sonra bir klupte dj olarak calismaya baslar rapci jermaine dupri bunu kesfeder bir radyo sovunda program yapmaya baslar ve bu zamanlarda kendi kendine remixlerde yapar usher (ve daha bircok sanatciya) big sam ve lil bo’yla beraber eastside boyz’u kurar ve ilk albumleri get crunk, who u wit: da album yayinlarlar bu album pek tutulmaz 2001 de yeni albumleri put your hood up taki bia bia isimli sarkilari ortaligi altust eder ve da zirveyi uzun sure isgal eder bu albumde kendisine duet yapan ve yardim eden ludacris’ide unutmamak lazim tabiki eastside boyz grubuyla birlikte ilk olarak kings of crunk albumunun yaparlar bu albumun ilk single i i dont give a fuck sarkisidir (duet mystikal and krayzie bone) bu single da uzun sure listebasi olur ve r&b olarak australia ve almanyada liste basi olur bizim need for speed’de duydugumuz get low sarkisida bu albumdedir get low ise 2003 de listebasi olur bu sarki kings of crunk albumunu amerikada ilk 20 listesine sokmayi basarir ve lil jon firsat bu firsat diyerek part 2 isimli dvd sini yayinlar ve birgun usher cikagelir yanina benim yeah single inda bi gorunuver der oda ludacris le birlikte klibe cikar bu sarki hepimizin bildigi gibi 2004 un en buyuk hit’i olmustur ve lil jon abim artik yeterince taninmistir ve yakin bir zamanda son albumleri crunk juice’i cikarir bu albumde duetlerde rick rubin, r. kelly, ice cube, timbaland, usher, ve ludacris vardir double cd dir ayrica albumde dave chapelle ve chris rock’dan pek eglenceli skitler de vardir.

ikizler burcu

zodiac takimyildizlarinin adidir, kisin gokyuzunun bir parcasidir, batida boga ve doguda vasak arasinda uzanir, kuzeyinde neredeyse gorulmeyen lynx ve auriga yildizi guneyinde ise monoceros ve canis minor yildizlari vardir, ikizler burcunun ismi bu takimyildizlarindan gelmektedir.

kobe bryant

agustos 23 1978 philedelphia, pennsylvania dogumludur vanessa laine ile 18 nisan 2001 de california dana point’te evlenmislerdir kizlari natalia 19 haziran 2003 de dogmustur lakers’la 136 milyon dolarlik anlasma yapmistir (15 nisan 2004) de. basarilari su sekildedir :

three time nba champion: 2000, 2001, 2002
nba all-star game mvp: 2002
nba all-star: 1998, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005
all-nba first team: 2002, 2003, 2004
all-nba second team: 2000, 2001
all-nba third team: 2005
all-nba defensive first team: 2000, 2003, 2004
all-nba defensive second team: 2001, 2002
slam dunk champion: 1997
ties nba record for most made 3-point field goals in one game with 12 versus the seattle supersonics on january 7, 2003.
one of only three players in nba history to score 40-plus points in 9 consecutive games.
one of only two players to ever score at least 35 points in 13 straight games.
holds the lakers team record for most consecutive free throws made at 43.
named the 1996 naismith high school player of the year.
led lower merion h.s. to a 31-3 record and class aaaa state title as a senior.
usa today and parade magazine’s 1996 national high school player of the year with a seasonal average of 30.8 points, 12.0 rebounds, 6.5 assists, 4.0 steals and 3.8 blocks per game .

bu ne biçim hikaye böyle

ya vazgecer unutursun yada yolun acik olsun kismi soylenirken gozleriniz doluyor ve sonrasi geliyor bu felek kimine kavun kimine kelek yedirdi sevilipde sana derhal bildirildi ve gozunuzden yas dusmeye basliyor nerde hani o canim gozler hani nerde verdigin sozler ve burda kopuluyor gozyasina bogulunuyor boguldum ben gozyasina elimi tutan el nerde haniiii...
tam raki sofrasinda dinlenecek turden bi sarkidir seyhmerat’a soylesek de bi icsek canim istedi bak simdi.
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