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  1. toplam entry 247
  2. takipçi 1
  3. puan 9811


orjinal adı das parfum olan patrick süskind romanı kitabı.. geçtiğimiz sene sinema filmine uyarlandı.. filmin adı perfume: a story of a murderer.. filmi henüz seyretmemiş olanlar için başarılı bir uyarlama olduğu söylenebilir..

puslu kıtalar atlası

"düşünüyorum.. düşünen bir adamı düşlüyorum.. ben onu düşlediğim için o var.. ya da o benim onu düşlediğimi düşlediği için ben varım.. dünya nedir? dünya bir düştür.." teması üzerine kurulu kitap.. ihsan oktay anar’ın diğer iki kitabı kitab ül hiyel ve efrasiyab ın hikayeleri’nde de bahsi geçen uzun ihsan efendi’nin tabiri caizse ana karkter olduğu fantastik roman..


ingilizce şans.. aynı zamanda chanel’in çok satan bir parfümü..
en önemlisi savatage şarkısı.. sonlara doğru üstüste binen vokallerle büyüleyen şarkı..
sözleri de şurada:

he was standing all alone
trying to find the words to say
when every prayer he ever prayed was gone
and the dreams he’s never owned
are still safely tucked away
until tomorrow he just carries on
carries on
carries on
carries on

see the devil on the streets at night
see him running in the pouring rain
see him grinning ’neath a twisted light
i’ll be back again
see the people standing in a row
see them nodding like a field of grain
no one sees the sickle though
coming’cross the plain

and this he knows, if nothing more
that waiting in the dark like destiny
are those who kiss the dogs of war
and there is no tomorrow, no tomorrow
take a chance
take a, take a chance yeah

see the devil he is so intense
see the devil go and change his name
what’s the going price of innocence
it can’t be the same
is it dark when the moon is down
is it dark with a single flame
if there’s glass falling all around
i am not to blame

and this he knows, if nothing more
that waiting in the dark like destiny
are those who kiss the dogs of war
and there is no tomorrow, no tomorrow
take a chance
take a, take a chance yeah
take a chance
take a, take a chance oh yeah

burn the night away
burn the night away
burn the night

pictures at an exhibition
played as he stood
in his trance
staring at his inhibitions
all the time believing
that it now came down to nothing but this chance

i fear you
your silence
your blindness
see what you want to see
in darkness
one kindness
one moment
tell me what you believe

i believe in nothing
never really had to
in regards to your life
rumors that are not true
who’s defending evil
surely never i
who would be the witness
should you chance to die

father can you hear me
this is not how it was meant to be
i am safe and so are you
as for the other’s destiny

father can you hear me
this is not how it was meant to be
i am safe and so are you
as for the other’s destiny

i believe that situations
all depend on circumstance

look away
look away

pictures at an exhibition
played as he stood
in his trace
staring at his inhabitions
all the time believing
that it now came down to
nothing but this chance


27 mayis cuma gunu taksim dorock barda ucretsiz konser yapilacaktir. katilan gruplar, electrocute, overload ve saints’n sinners. saat 22.00de baslayacak etkinlik istanbul universitesi rock klubu tarafindan gerceklestirilmektedir.

final dergisi dersaneleri

lise sonda gittigim dershane. kadikoyde 3 adet subesi vardir. bu subeler rihtim subesi: akmarin yanindadir. caferaga subesi: adi uzerinde caferaga spor salonunun biraz yukarsindadir. bahariye subesi: bahariye caddesindedir. guzel dershanedir. memnun kalmisimdir. girdigim ilk sene universiteyi kazanmamda bana yardimci olmustur.
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