  1. toplam entry 946
  2. takipçi 1
  3. puan 26823

avatar soundtrack

abdurrezzak bin reloaded
içinde bonus olarak na’vi na’vi nasna’vi şeklinde bir parça barındıran albüm.diğer parçalar ise;

james horner–“you don’t dream in cryo.
james horner–jake enters his avatar world
james horner–pure spirits of the forest
james horner–the bioluminescence of the night
james horner–becoming one of “the people” becoming one with neytiri
james horner–climbing up “iknimaya – the path to heaven”
james horner–jake’s first flight
james horner–scorched earth
james horner–quaritch
james horner–the destruction of hometree
james horner–shutting down grace’s lab
james horner–gathering all the na’vi clans for battle
james horner–war
leona lewis–i see you
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