

- Yazar -

  1. toplam entry 22
  2. takipçi 1
  3. puan 46001

no leaf clover

metallica’nin s&m adli albumundeki en guzel parcasi.tek kelimeyle bir muzik ziyafeti olan bu parcanin sozleri de soyledir;

and it feels right this time
on this crash course with the big time
pay no mind to the distant thunder
beauty fills his head with wonder, boy
says it feels right this time
turn around and found the high line
good day to be alive
said it’s a good day to be alive
he said
and it comes to me
that the soothing light at the end of your tunnel
is just a freight train comin your way
don’t it feel right like this?
all the pieces fall to his wish
sucker for the quick reward, boy
sucker for the quick reward they say
then it comes to me
that the soothing light at the end of your tunnel
is just a freight train comin your way
it’s comin your way
here come
then it comes to me
that the soothing light at the end of your tunnel
is just a freight train comin your way
then it comes to me
yeah yeah

a place for my head

linkin park’in hybrid theory albumunun en guzel parcalarindan biri
sozlerini de yazayim tam olsun;

i watch how the moon sits in the sky
on a dark night shining with the light from the sun
the sun doesn’t give light to the moon
assuming the moon’s going to owe it one
it makes me think of how you act to me
you do favors and then rapidly
you just turn around and start asking me about
things you want back from me

pre chorus:
i’m sick of the tension, sick of the hunger
sick of you acting like i owe you this
find another place to feed your greed
while i find a place to rest

i want to be in another place
i hate when you say you don’t understand
(you’ll see it’s not meant to be)
i want to be in the energy, not with the enemy
a place for my head

maybe someday i’ll be just like you, and
step on people like you do and
run away the people i thought i knew
i remember back then who you were
you used to be calm, used to be strong
used to be generous, but you should’ve known
that you’d wear out your welcome
now you see how quiet it is, all alone

i’m sick of the tension, sick of the hunger
sick of you acting like i owe you this
find another place to feed your greed
while i find a place to rest

i’m sick of the tension, sick of the hunger
sick of you acting like i owe you this
find another place to feed your greed
while i find a place to rest

i want to be in another place
i hate when you say you don’t understand
(you’ll see it’s not meant to be)
i want to be in the energy, not with the enemy
a place for my head

you try to take the best of me
go away (8x)

i want to be in another place
i hate when you say you don’t understand
(you’ll see it’s not meant to be)
i want to be in the energy, not with the enemy
a place for my head

i’m sick of the tension, sick of the hunger
sick of you acting like i owe you this
find another place to feed your greed
while i find a place to rest

i’m sick of the tension, sick of the hunger
sick of you acting like i owe you this
find another place to feed your greed
while i find a place to rest

run away

linkin park’in hybrid theory adli albumunde yer alan guzel parcasi.

sozlerinide yazayim tam olsun;

graffiti decorations
underneath a sky of dust
a constant wave of tension
on top of broken trust
the lessons that you taught me
i learn were never true

now i find myself in question
they point the finger at me again
guilty by association
you point the finger at me again

i wanna run away
never say goodbye
i wanna know the truth
instead of wondering why
i wanna know the answers
no more lies
i wanna shut the door
and open up my mind

paper bags and angry voices
under a sky of dust
another wave of tension
has more than filled me up
all my talk of taking action
these words were never true

now i find myself in question
they point the finger at me again
guilty by association
you point the finger at me again

i wanna run away
never say goodbye
i wanna know the truth
instead of wondering why
i wanna know the answers
no more lies
i wanna shut the door
and open up my mind

gonna run away and never say goodbye
gonna run away, gonna run away
gonna run away, gonna run away
gonna run away and never wonder why
gonna run away, gonna run away
gonna run away, gonna run away
gonna run away and open up my mind
gonna run away, gonna run away
gonna run away, gonna run away
gonna run away, gonna run away
gonna run away, gonna run away

i wanna run away
never say goodbye
i wanna know the truth
instead of wondering why
i wanna know the answers
no more lies
i wanna shut the door
and open up my mind
i wanna run away
and open up my mind
i wanna run away
and open up my mind
i wanna run away
and open up my mind
i wanna run away
and open up my mind

one step closer

linkin park’in hybrid teory adli albumunun 2. sarkisidir.tek kelimeyle harika’dir
sozleri de soyledir;

i cannot take this anymore
i’m saying everything i’ve said before
all these words they make no sense
i find bliss in ignorance
less i hear the less you’ll say
but you’ll find that out anyway
just like before...

everything you say to me
takes me one step closer to the edge
and i’m about to break
i need a little room to breathe
cause i’m one step closer to the edge
and i’m about to break

i find the answers aren’t so clear
wish i could find a way to disappear
all these thoughts they make no sense
i find bliss in ignorance
nothing seems to go away
over and over again

shut up when i’m talking to you

one of us

joan osbourne’nin harika parcasi.sozleri de soyledir;

if god had a name, what would it be
and would you call it to his face
if you were faced with him in all his glory
what would you ask if you had just one question

and yeah yeah god is great yeah yeah god is good
yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah

what if god was one of us
just a slob like one of us
just a stranger on the bus
trying to make his way home

if god had a face what would it look like
and would you want to see
if seeing meant that you would have to believe
in things like heaven and in jesus and the saints and all the prophets

and yeah yeah god is great yeah yeah god is good
yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah

what if god was one of us
just a slob like one of us
just a stranger on the bus
trying to make his way home
hes trying to make his way home
back up to heaven all alone
nobody calling on the phone
except for the pope maybe in rome

and yeah yeah god is great yeah yeah god is good
yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah

what if god was one of us
just a slob like one of us
just a stranger on the bus
trying to make his way home
just trying to make his way home
like a holy rolling stone
back up to heaven all alone
just trying to make his way home
nobody calling on the phone
except for the pope maybe in rome


accountu baskasi tarafindan kullanilan ve bunun nasil olduguna anlam veremeyen ben.hatta kendisini soyle bir de diyalogu gecmistir independence’le;

pipican->kime gidicek bu?: kime gidicek bu?
12/2/2004 5:40:56 pm
-independence- "hurriyet kavgasi" ba$ligindaki "orospu cocugunun birinin eseri" $eklindeki entryniz silinmi$tir..
sebebi:bilgi sozluk dahilinde kim olursa olsun hickimsenin $ahsina hakaret edilemez.bu en onem verdigimiz kuraldir.
bkz:entrylerin silinme sebepleri
bkz:bilgi sozluk konsepti
tekerruru halinda belirsiz bir zaman suresinde comez yapilacaksiniz.bilginize.
12/3/2004 3:22:17 pm
pipican->independence: bi sn ya, nooluyor? o adami mi savunuyorsun? tamam birak uyelik filan istemiyorum, sil gitsin, hadi eywalla..
12/3/2004 3:25:37 pm
-independence- siz iyi misiniz?abdullah ocalana bile bu sitede hakaret edilemez.ben bu ki$ileri savunuyorum anlamina mi gelir bu?bu adami tanimam bile birakin savunmayi.ben sitede $ahsa hakaret ettirmem..sebebi ise bunun anayasada yasak olmasidir.siz egonuzu tatmin edeceksiniz diye ne kendi ba$imi agritirim ne de bir ba$kasinin emeklerinin heba olmasina izin veririm.umarim yeterince aciktir.ayrica kimi savunup savunmayacagimda tamamen beni ilgilendirir.sizi degil.konsepte uymadiginiz takdirde zaten yapilacak i$lem uyeliginizin iptalidir.ben son kez uyarmi$ olayim gerisi sizin bileceginiz i$.
12/3/2004 3:29:30 pm

burdaki bahsi gecen sahsiyet ben degilimdir.yukarda bahsedilen "hurriyet kavgasi" adli bir basliga da entry girmedim.yalan bunlar
(bkz: neler oluyor ak)
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