1963 oklahoma, usa dogumlu yunan tanrisina benzeyen varlik.hem bu yaraticilik hem bu guzellik nedir yarabbim ya yetenek ver ya guzellik ver ya da bundan bi tane de bana ver diyerek sozlugu tanriya yakarmak icin kullanmak sebebi olan sahane.
filmleri ise:
mr. and mrs. smith (2005)
ocean’s twelve (2004)
troy (2004)
sinbad: legend of the seven seas (2003) (seslendirme)
confessions of a dangerous mind (2002)
full frontal (2002)
ocean’s eleven (2001)
spy game (2001)
mexican, the (2001)
snatch. (2000)
fight club (1999)
meet joe black (1998)
dark side of the sun, the (1997)
seven years in tibet (1997)
devil’s own, the (1997)
sleepers (1996)
twelve monkeys (1995)
se7en (1995)
legends of the fall (1994)
interview with the vampire: the vampire chronicles (1994)
favor, the (1994)
true romance (1993)
kalifornia (1993)
contact (1992)
river runs through it, a (1992)
cool world (1992)
across the tracks (1991)
two-fisted tales (1991)
johnny suede (1991)
thelma & louise (1991)
"glory days" (1990)
lovejoy (1990)
too young to die? (1990)
image, the (1990)
cutting class (1989)
happy together (1989/i)
stoning in fulham county, a (1988)
"another world" (1964)
less than zero (1987)
no man’s land (1987)
neden bekliyorsun?
bu sözlük, duygu ve düşüncelerini özgürce paylaştığın bir platform, hislerini tercüme eden özgür bilgi kaynağıdır.
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