scorpionsun 1974 ciki$li fly to the rainbow albumunun 5. $arkisi. i$te sozleri:
i cant believe what the people say
theres only hate everywhere
so many people go different ways
so many things dont you care
they see nobody, they see themselves
but a stage like in a show
they see the hell, and they need your help
they need your help, they need love, love
this is my song
i tell you about the story of love
this is my song
i tell you about the story of love
this is my song
i tell you about the story of love
this is my song
i tell you about the story of love
i think i need you, you need me too
the place where we live is here
the world is griping what can i do
for you and you everywhere
i sing this song bout the world of love
and hope you hear what i say
forever freedom, forever love
forever love everyday
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